Jordin is a Cubicle Chick because she is a free spirit who manages to keep the momentum going on in her career while remaining down to earth and incredibly humble. The now 21 year old is not only beautiful, but has a caring heart and lends her name to many causes.
Video Update: The Takeover, Curvy Revolution, Spa Soiree, and Losing Weight
Here is this week’s installment where I discuss my recent quest for new media dominance, my production assistant gig with The Curvy Revolution, my Show Me the Blog SPA SOIREE on 3/3, and me hiring a personal trainer to shed some pounds.
A&E Launches New Show: Heavy on 1/17/11 (Pics & Teasers)
The cable network now wages their bets on a show about the morbidly obese called Heavy which chronicles the lives of 22 morbidly obese people as they fight for their lives to lose weight and regain their health.
So it’s a New Year: Let’s Talk About Weight Loss
Some people down others who have resolutions when it comes to their weight—knowing that in a few weeks, the salads give way to big juicy burgers, and that is usually the case.
Has Jennifer Hudson Lost Too Much Weight?
We all know how our society is, especially in the entertainment industry. Big girls get love with their talent and voices but aren’t really known as sex symbols.
I am a ‘Loser’ When it Comes to Losing Weight
The following blog post is a personal introspective from my weight loss files and I try to do better by my body as well as my soul by eating healthier and exercising. Each week I will discuss my roadblocks and…
Know Your Triggers to Weight Gain to Overcome Your Obstacles
The following blog post is a personal introspective from my weight loss files and I try to do better by my body as well as my soul by eating healthier and exercising. Each week I will discuss my roadblocks and…
Weight Issues and the Holiday Season
The following blog post is a personal introspective from my weight loss files and I try to do better by my body as well as my soul by eating healthier and exercising. Each week I will discuss my roadblocks and…
Not Ashamed of My Curves—And Other Revelations
The following blog post is a personal introspective from my weight loss files and I try to do better by my body as well as my soul by eating healthier and exercising. Each week I will discuss my roadblocks and…
Losing Weight? Get a Weight Loss Buddy!
Week One As you may have read over the last few days on my blog and in my tweets, I am starting a new diet and healthy eating plan. I don’t have many problems losing weight when I diet, but…
The Monkey On My Back is My Weight
…and I was doing so good. This spring, I lost almost 30 lbs by watching what I ate and exercising. I felt better and had more energy. I was sharper on my toes and slept better at night. All was…
Dieting Woes- I’ve Hit A Plateau
Oh, it seems that my weight loss journey will never end. I was off and running beginning in March and lost a total of 21 pounds. I gained back one pound of that and now I am at a standstill…