Congratulations on graduating! Now it is time for you to begin to work on repaying your student debt. Our guest blogger is sharing a few tips.
Talking Finances With Your Children When It Comes to College
I have blogged HERE and HERE about my thoughts on student loans. I am still having issues with the repayment of these loans and it seems like I will never be out from under them. My sixteen year old son…
When Will I Be Finished Repaying My Student Loans?
I wish I knew then what I know now. Student loans, especially through financial institutions are not a good thing. I have been repaying my student loans back since 2006 and it seems that I will be repaying them back…
Dear Department of Education….
Dear Department of Education: Please allow this letter to serve as official correspondence regarding my student loan account. When I first began college in 2004 for the second time, I had no idea of what I was getting into in…
“I Got Garnished”
As a Human Resources Administrator, you do not know how many times I had to work with employees who had garnishment issues. It can be sticky and tough, especially when you have to hear about personal problems, but it was…
Money Makeover-Being Smarter About Finances
I can count the number of blog entries where I have written about losing weight, eating more healthy, wanting to try new make-up looks, etc. etc. But one area in which I need the most help in is money. *Cue…