If you are a professional and have your company paying for the ticket is usually the standard. But as a blogger or social media type who works for themselves, then paying for the conference and its expensive like hotel, travel, etc. can be daunting. Obtaining a sponsor can help defray your costs!
What Conferences Are You Planning to Attend This Year?
I am a glorified conference junkie and I am proud to say it. But don’t let this post fool you—I cannot in any way attend all the conferences that I want to go to.
The NAACP Launches New Social Network NAACPConnect
This new portal continues to help the NAACP with their goal to stay on the forefront of social media and spreading their message to a younger audience who is ready to take the lead in the ongoing Civil Rights Movement.
Klout Influence: Much to do about nothing
I believe if someone is nagging you about your Klout score, or using that data only to determine how “influential” you are or to decide whether or not they want to work with you, then they are doing themselves a disservice.
Show Me the Blog is Almost a Week Away!
After several months of planning, Show Me the Blog Social Media and Blogging Conference is almost here. After last year’s inaugural conference, I challenged myself once again to organize another conference, this time without any hiccups or snafus.
Have You Fallen Out of Love with Google Plus?
Time well tell if Google + can sustain itself in the future as a viable social network. Right now, I am remain unimpressed, but we also know how fast things can change in social media.
Thank You For Being a Friend (Golden Girl Style)
Every once in awhile, someone comes into your life and you have no idea why—you just know that you are thankful for them being there for you no matter what. I feel the need to use this blog post as a way to say thank you to a special person who has made all the difference in my life.
Can You Live Without Facebook? A Recent Study Indicates NO
I am not by any means stepping on a high horse, because trust me, I am guilty as charged. But what would life be without Facebook? What could we be doing with that 53 billion hours other than sitting on Facebook, refreshing our screens to see if anyone has liked our latest online manifesto?
I’m Leaving on a Jetplane
I am so excited to be going to my first ever BlogHer Conference taking place this year in San Diego, the motherload of all blogging conferences for women.
This Cubicle Chick is Going to BlogHer ’11 in San Diego
As some of you may have noticed, I am kinda sorta addicted to attending conferences and events, especially those of the social media and blogging persuasion. Blogging and social media have become my passion and I enjoy gatherings that celebrate the genres as well as encourage learning, networking, and growth.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: #STLsmchicks Kick Off Inaugural Event at Lumiere
I gathered together my chicks: Kesha, Robyn, Roshini, Sharon, and Karen for two days of tweeting, Facebooking, Google +’ing, Flickering, and much, much more. Why? To show the influence that women have in social media in the area.
5 things people should stop doing when referring to Google+ (Google Plus)
But just like any new thing on the innerwebs, there are always those that simply don’t get it—I mean, how many times did you have to explain to someone how to use Twitter before people finally caught on? Google+ has its advantages and I can see it being one of the most used social networks, especially since they learned from their unfortunate Wave debacle in 2009.