My soon to be 17 year old son hasn’t thought I was cool for years—his hormones and propensity to blame me for everything wrong in the world has brought my cool factor down for some time. But my 7 year old daughter is a little different.
Mom-isms: Being Good To Yourself So You Can Be Good to Others
For those of you reading who are mothers, you indeed know the true meaning of sacrifice—when it comes to giving, moms are usually the ones who extend more love, time, and energy to our children and families.
Dealing with Mommy Guilt When Traveling
And as many times as I have traveled, I have never felt guilty about it until now. It could be that I have been on three business trips since the beginning of the year and we are only in February. Or it could be that missing being here on my daughter’s actual birthday was enough to bring everything into perspective.
The Seven Year Baby Itch
It comes in spurts—I will be watching television and see a precious baby which makes me ooh and aww. Or I will sit and remember how my son used to scoot on the floor before he started walking or how my daughter couldn’t go anywhere without people fawning over her in her stroller.
8 Tips for Dealing with an Ungrateful Child
Let me be serious for a moment. As a mom of two, I try to provide everything my kids need and want. I became a mother at the age of 18 and we struggled for years to make ends meet—so…
Discovery Health Launches Adventures In Parenting Week
This week is Adventures in Parenting Week on Discovery Health Channel. According to M. from Discovery: Every parent is confronted with challenges when raising a child; however, not all challenges are created equal. From September 13 through September 17, Discovery…
Guest Post–Walking the Tightrope: The Single, Working Mother Balancing Act
Guest Blog Post By: Ms. Rasberry As a single mother of two, I often find myself trying to balance children, work and social life. It’s not easy to say the least. Recently I’ve decided that life is far too short…
Nickelodeon Parents Connect—Parents’ Picks Awards 2010
As a youngster, I was addicted to Nickelodeon (do you remember You Can’t Do That On Television, Dangermouse, Belle and Sebastian, and Double Dare?) and now my six year old daughter is an avid fan. I trust Nickelodeon and the…
I Turn 35 In Almost 30 Days!
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! I really don’t know how I should feel about this. A part of me is like, 35 is nothing, girlie! You’ve made it! You have a 16 year old and a 6 year…
Team Build a Bear: Building Friendships
As many of you have seen me tweet, I have been busy at a two day Build A Bear Brand Building Workshop here in St. Louis. It has been a phenomenal event thus far and I feel so blessed to…
Instilling Good Work Ethic In Your Children
When I was younger, about age 9 or 10, my father took me to work with him on Saturdays when he worked extra hours on a project. He was a computer systems analyst consultant (fancy word for data programmer) and…
Spanking Has Become A No/No In Our Society
Let me preface this post by saying I am not a spanker. I do not spank my children, although I have spanked my now sixteen year old when he was smaller. My six year old hasn’t been spanked at all;…