Today, October 16th, has been christened National Boss’s Day, a day devoted to all of the boss chicks and dudes around the U.S.
To Wear (or not wear) Halloween Costumes at Work
An issue that usually plagues my profession during this time of year is whether or not to celebrate Halloween at work and allow employees to wear costumes.
How to Say No to a Demanding Boss
As a former HR manager, I’ve seen my share of bosses who have treated their employees recklessly or without respect. It was at these times that saying no had to be done, PERIOD. It was never easy.
Stop Taking Your Work From The Office Home With You
We have all been guilty—there is a pressing assignment or task that needs to be completed and five o’clock comes and you still are not done, so you take the work home with you. After cooking dinner, spending time with…
My Boss Takes Credit For My Work
Unless you are the self employed owner of your own business or the CEO of a company (and even most CEO’s have a Board to report to), there is a boss of some kind that supervises your work. The boss…
5 Ways To Avoid Polarizing Topics In the Office
I remember when I was a teenager, my mom came home from work and told me the following phrase after a workplace melee: “Never discuss politics or religion in the office.” That phrase has stuck with me as an adult….