June is Migraine Awareness Month. As a migraine sufferer, I want to share my thoughts on Stopain Migraine, a topical pain relieving gel that has helped me.
Vlog: Lions, and Tigers, and Migraines, Oh My!
In my latest vlog post in my Digital Debutante Series, I discuss a condition that has plagued me since I was a pre-teen; painful migraines. Which, to this day, I haven’t found a “cure” for.
Blame It On My Period
I know this subject is not the faint of heart, but yet, it is a fact of nature, and most of you reading this are adults. We can have grown folk conversations about many subjects and topics so here we…
Migraine Mayhem
I have been a sufferer of migraines since I was about twelve years old. It began when I got my first period and has gotten progressively worse over the years. Migraines can debilitate. They are painful and interrupt life. There…