It would be so nice if I could go out and get the latest Apple release or smartphone whenever it came out. But in reality, just because you have the funds doesn’t mean you should spend it. Are you going for broke for the latest technology, only to not get a real return on your investment?
How I Learned To Master iMovie on My MacBook
One of the reasons why I wanted to ditch my Sony Vaio PC and “upgrade” to a Mac was because of the video editing opportunities.
Who’s Fab: Study Says Mac Users Are More Fashionable Than PC Users
In a world where Mac reigns supreme, a recent study indicates that Mac users are more fashionable than PC users. Is this all a bunch of fluff or is there real science behind the numbers?
Video: New Macbook, New Web Design, New Giveaway
In the video, I not only discuss my new Macbook but also my new and revamped website which is finally complete. And last but not least, I throw in a giveaway of mini Harajuku Lovers perfumes.