I rescued some almost deleted footage & turned it into a vlog about what I would tell my 30 year old self now that I’m turning 40. Watch at your own risk.
5 Reasons Why You May Need a Life Coach
Guest Blogger and Life Coach Shaquan Grove breaks down 5 reasons why you may need a life coach to help you with your goals.
Shine Blog Series: What To Do When Someone Tries To Dim Your Shine
When you shine and all is right in your world according to your personal life, career, etc., life is but a dream. But when someone who sees you shining tries to dim your light, then things can become complicated. We’d all like to think that we are surrounded by positive people who like to see us doing well, but that isn’t always the case.
Shine Blog Series: What Makes You Shine?
On today’s blog post, I am asking the question, what makes you shine? What is it that makes you feel that you are living the life you are intended to live? What gives you the feeling of ultimate happiness?
Cube Book Review: The Charge by Brendon Burchard + Get a Free Copy
The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive is a book about finding, nurturing, and tapping into 10 drives that make you YOU. It is with the power of these drives that we can unleash our true power and happiness.
Is Facebook Ruining Your Life?
Facebook is the #1 social networking site in the world, but it is without problems, especially for those who use it. It has become such a fabric of our lives that it has broken up homes, cost people their jobs, and perhaps, given wrong impressions to others, without meaning to. Is Facebook ruining your life?
Life Epiphanies of a 36 Year Old: It’s Getting Real
At 36 years old, I think I finally get it. Life can hand you good times and bad ones, but it’s how you deal with it that determines the type of life you lead. Getting real and taking out the clutter can bring new-found introspection.
Video: Mama’s Baby is All Grown Up
The Cubicle Chick explains why she is feeling melancholy as of late. Her baby is growing up and getting ready to graduate from high school.
Working Cubes: 5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Career
Working on your career goals are just as important as anything else you may want to resolve to do, and the New Year is a great time to start making changes and improvements in your work life.
Can You Just Let It All Go?
Your deadline at work is fast approaching. The kids both have to be at different places at the same time, and you have have a few personal projects that you have been putting off because you never have time to…