When blogging goes wrong, you may find someone else who steals your work without giving you proper credit, or jacks your style and/or uniqueness. Don’t bite someone else’s work!
What Conferences Are You Planning to Attend This Year?
I am a glorified conference junkie and I am proud to say it. But don’t let this post fool you—I cannot in any way attend all the conferences that I want to go to.
My 2012 Blogging Resolutions
I am not big on New Year Resolutions, but I do have a few as they pertain to my blog and website. For the past 2 years, I have started the year off with a list of goals that I wanted to achieve with my blog. I have hit many of those goals and benchmarks, but still struggle with some.
Drumroll Please….My 1000th Blog Post
This is my 1,000th blog post on TheCubicleChick.com. Who would’ve thought that I would make it to 1,000 posts? That is like a major feat in the world of blogging—to reach this milestone for me is incredible.
I Have Neglected My Blog! (Plus Show Me the Blog Tea)
One of the major rules of blogging is that you are supposed to be consistent—that is, you are supposed to blog on a schedule; frequently to build up your readership and content.
Website Technical Difficulties and Things of that Nature
I also got word from Google last week via email that my site had been possibly hacked, and that they were putting a warning on their search engine when people search for my site.
Growing Pains—And Other Diva Antics
Yesterday, I felt it all coming to a head as I actually zoned out and cried. I didn’t cry because I was sad or because I live a non-wonderful life. I cried because I needed to release and hadn’t done so in quite some time.
This Cubicle Chick is Going to BlogHer ’11 in San Diego
As some of you may have noticed, I am kinda sorta addicted to attending conferences and events, especially those of the social media and blogging persuasion. Blogging and social media have become my passion and I enjoy gatherings that celebrate the genres as well as encourage learning, networking, and growth.
“How Much Should I Charge for a Guest Blog Post?”
A guest blog post is when you write a blog post of original material on someone else’s blog. Simply put, you are working as a guest author for a site and bringing your voice and originality to its readers.
I’m Attending WordCamp Chicago 2011!
This year’s WordCamp Chicago (this is the 3rd year) will take place Sat., July 30th and Sun., July 31st. The tracks I am most interested in attending are the ones that are geared to those of us who are using WordPress for our businesses, and of course getting better SEO results for the information on your blog.
Is Your Ego Getting in the Way of Your Success?
When someone comes along and says, “great job” or “I like what you do”, it can do wonders for morale and for business. But when does all of those pats on the back and wonderful accolades go to your head and get in the way of your success?
Vote Please: The Cubicle Chick is up for 2011 BWA Best Lifestyle Blog
Last month, I appealed to you to vote for me for the 2011 Black Weblog Award for Best Lifestyle Blog. And you guys heeded my cries because I received word on Monday that The Cubicle Chick is one of five finalists for that Lifestyle Blog category. I appreciate everyone who took the time to nominate me, and now the voting process has officially begun.