I have been a PC Chick since before Windows 95 was THE thing to have. My dad was a computer systems analyst so we had a computer in our house since I was about 8 or 9 years old. Yes, it was a huge mainframe with a green and black screen, floppy disks, and a dot matrix printer. Over time, we graduated to Windows, Windows 95, etc. Fast forward to 35 years of age and I still was on the PC train—mostly because it is affordable and within my budget. In 2009, I stretched my pennies and gifted my son a Macbook for his fifteenth birthday, and saw how much fun he was having with it. I became slightly envious of the chap, but still couldn’t break down to buy myself one.
Finally last week, my father had a friend who wanted to get rid of their less than one year old Macbook Pro. He asked me if I was interested, and of course I said hell yeah. I fired the bad boy up, and instantly fell in love. The vividness of the screen was a sight for sore eyes—and having tools like Garage Band and iMovie at my fingertips was like being in some type of heaven; where had this machine been all my life?
It’s still a lot to get used to, but I am riding the wave of newbie Apple euphoria and I don’t see myself coming down anytime soon. It’s as though I have a little swag in my step, seeing that lighted apple on my laptop.
I guess I am finally a part of the “cool” crowd, but don’t worry—I am still the against the grain femme fetale who hasn’t drank ALL of the Apple Kool-Aid yet. When and if you see me with an iPhone, then you know I am a goner!
What can you expect from this Cube now that I am all Macbook’d out? I’ve wanted to get into podcasting and Garage Band makes it super easy to create recorded content for iTunes and other sources. I also plan to rock out to iMovie and spiff up my videos just a little bit.
The sky’s the limit!
My poor Sony Vaio has been sitting in the corner for a few days and I feel so bad abandoning her. But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
Your Vaio can still shine…Use it as a media library/server
I wiped my old Toshiba and now I use it as a server of sorts. I’ve got a couple of applications installed on it so I can do things like print to my WiFi printer DIRECTLY FROM MY MOBILE DEVICES and play pictures, music, and home + box office movies I have stored on an attached network drive.
That way, I don’t NEED my MBP connected to my home network to do stuff.
…Welcome to the dark side by the way.
Brotha Tech, thanks for the tips. That is a great idea. My 7 year old is itching to get my Vaio since she has a netbook and can’t play any of her DVD’s or CD’s. So we will see. The Vaio is a great machine, though, so I am not ready to give it up yet.
I’m proud! Always happy to see another convert come over and experience the greatness that is APPLE! Now if I can only get you switch to an iPhone…*slowly but surely*
Keisha, I love my Android so I don’t see an iPhone purchase in my future. An iPad? Maybe… 🙂
Congrats lady! Welcome to the world of Apple. Sounds like your MBP is about the same age as mine (bought in November 2010). I LOVE MY MACBOOK PRO! Cannot say enough good things about the computer and the service from the Apple Store.
I’m not saying that as an Apple groupie, but seriously, it has helped me work more efficiently and the end product of my site looks/sounds better.
Now that you have the computer in hand, you’ll need a case for it. I recommend going on Ebay and searching “Sentinel Cases” for a good one. I have it on mine and I can text you the pics of what it looks like. They have a lot to choose from (hard/soft cases). Definitely a great investment to keep it looking cool and new!
Also, become familiar with the Apple Store and any classes they offer if the previous owner had One-to-One on the machine. That will take your computing experience to the next level. They taught me how to work iMovie, which has been very helpful for the site.
Ok, that’s enough for now. Enjoy!
Stevie, thanks for the recommendations (and the texts of the cases), I will be buying a few ASAP. I need a pink one like yesterday 🙂
I recently switched, too. It’s been an adjustment and I still don’t necessarily accept the high price tag, but I am actually starting to prefer my Macbook Pro over my PC. It’s way better for anything audio/visual!
Christine, I agree with you. Hands down, so far, the Macbook Pro is heads and tails above a PC as far as graphics, audio. and visual. I am very impressed, and it takes a lot for me to get impressed.
Yaaaaay for MAC!! I made the switch almost 2 years ago (i got an iMac) and I have not regretted it. Welcome 🙂