Ever since my daughter was born, there has been a constant struggle with her hair. When she was born, she had a head full of hair, and by the time she was nine months, it was handing down her short neck when stretched out while combed. Now that she is five, it has become more than I can handle and I started taking her to my hair stylist to get it professionally washed and flat ironed to make it manageable. But the thing is, it lasts for a few days and then reverts back to her tight curls which are hard to deal with, especially since she is so tender headed.
I was speaking with one of my Twitter friends today, Ms. Ladebelle who is expecting her very own bundle of joy in February, and she commented on my daughter’s hair. I told her that it is a challenge to deal with on the regular, especially since it continues to grow at lightening speed. She gets her ends trimmed every six weeks, at least an inch, and before you know it, it’s grown back! I am at a crossroads with what to do with her hair–I’ve thought of doing braids or twists but with my daughter’s tenderheadedness, and the amount of hair she has, it would be a chore to get this done.
Cubicle Chicks, magnificent mamas, dynamic divas, do you have any suggestions for my dilemma? Is there anyone else out there struggling with the same thing I am? I think I just need some feedback from other sisters who may be thinking of ways to manage her hair that I haven’t thought of.
YESS!!! this was soooooo me when i was a kid! my mom would get so frustrated with me and my hair especially since i was tenderheaded too! my dad would sit and comb through my mufasa-like mane. and i'm sure that my daughter will be the same.
have you checked out http://www.naturallycurly.com? they have a kids corner with product and styling suggestions.
I feel bad when doing her hair because it's a painful experience for her. She cries and then I cry because I know she is in pain. But then I also get in my moods where I tell her to buckle up because we have to do this! She is not going out of the house with her hair all over her head. LOL.
I will check out that site and she if they have any recommendations for my situation. Thanks!
Same for me, it was me all day. My mom couldn't take the flat iron so I went to the stylist every week lol its so difficult with thick hair still now
I am trying to be patient with it but what I really want to do sometimes is to cut if all off and start over. LOL. I know there are some other alternatives out there, I just have to research I guess.
your daughter is BEAUTIFUL and has healthy hair.
my mother said i was the same, she basically kept my hair is braids and cornrolls which pretty much made it longer, but it was easier to take care off.
think about it.
Thank you! I wish I knew how to do cornrows but I don't! Maybe someone will teach me. I am sure it would be easier than doing what I'm doing now!
maybe two strand twist and or alot of individual plats will help..
I have thought about getting two strand twists done. But the time it would take would be the issue. I was told for her hair, it would take 3 to 6 hours.
So she does not have a relaxer? Well I am natural so I deal with the same issues as an adult. I am tenderheaded but I just deal with it. Shampoo her hair first, then apply conditioner (with hair parted in 4 sections), work conditioner through from the ends up to the roots and sit her under the dryer for about 15 minutes and rinse with cool water (this will soften the hair)… follow up with a detangler. This should help with styling. Check out: http://www.afrokinks.com/curlyq.html for hair products for kids. Also when you blowdry her hair use a paddle brush (http://www.stylebell.com/Babyliss-Paddle-Brush-p/… and a thermal heat protectant ( http://www.folica.com/Heat_Prote_452_1.html ) I hope this helps girly. Let me know if you try it!
Thanks for the tips. No she doesn't have a relaxer nor do I plan on putting one in her hair ever! I will visit these links and follow your advice. You are a God send Tani!
kinky – curly works wonders for hair. and i read here: http://aliyasking.com/2009/11/09/the-endorsement-… about Aliya's doing her daughters hair with it.
Thank you very much for the link. I will check it out.
nooo!!! please dont do it!!! her hair is beautiful!!!!!
The right products do wonders. Shampoo with Creme of Nature which is a conditioning shampoo. Follow up with a deep conditioner. I find that a mix of the deep conditioners that come in the packets work wonders. Comb through with conditioner in hair. If it is really unruly you can twist or braid it in four sections before rinsing the conditioner out. It will be more management after rinsing. Fantasia has a great leave in conditioner. Carol's Daughter has a limited edition Princess and the Frog set for girls, or you can buy the products separately. I like the hair milk, healthy hair butter, and oils and leave in conditioners. Some people like Miss Jessie's Curly pudding which is uber-expensive but supposedly you only need a little to go a long way. If all else fails keep sending her to the beautician or find a good African braider.