Recent events in my life have transpired and its caused me to rethink my overall game plan professionally. When I began my quest into adulthood many years ago, I planned to go to college, major in Journalism, and become a… Speaks To Me About ‘The Blind Side’
Another wonderful thing about Twitter! You never know who is following you or watching your stream or searching for key words you are discussing. It’s a virtual pool of people reporting and receiving information. Yesterday while I was tweeting about…
12 Days of Christmas Days 11 through 6- Macy’s Giveaway
I love playing Miss Claus for the holidays. If only for a moment. The wonderful folk over at Macy’s has blessed me with five gift cards to America’s largest department store to give to my readers. The gift cards are…
Feeling Like A Grinch This Holiday?
I posed a question to my Facebook friends last week about the holiday blahs. In my status, I asked if anyone was experiencing depression during this holiday season. And while I didn’t get any responses via comments on my status,…
Zoya UltraGlitters Nail Polish Review
The wonderful people over at Zoya (you can follow them on Twitter under @Zoya_NailPolish) sent me some wonderful colors to try from their UltraGlitter line. When I received them, I fell instantly in love with the vibrant and shimmery hues….
The Cubicle Kids Christmas Video
My son made this video as a Christmas Greeting Card to email. I thought it was cute! The video was made online via Elf Yourself and you can make your very own as well. Enjoy!