As most of you are well aware, I simply adore our First Lady, Michelle Obama. Yesterday during a press conference regarding Haiti and America’s effort to assist the earthquake victims, Michelle stood next to President Obama sporting a new coif:…
A Song For Haiti-Bloggers Day of Action for Haiti
‘Something beautiful remains in a place so rich Yet so in pain… We have forgotten you, a once jewel amongst stars Now battered tenements, a horror filled with scars I cry for you, I cry for your people I cry…
Break Out Beauty (Help, My Skin Is At War!)
I have never had perfect skin. I have very oily skin that is hard to maintain and some dark areas on my cheek, but most of the time, my breakouts are confined to “that time of the month”. This week…
Looking for Love Online?
There is one thing you can count on at the beginning of the year: a slew of commercials aimed at starting out anew including weight loss commercials and online dating. The other day, I counted at least 5 eHarmony commercials…
Prayers for Haiti’s Earthquake Victims
As most of you are well aware, there was a massive 7.0 earthquake that devastated Port-Au-Prince, Haiti earlier this evening. Haiti is a very impoverished area that was desperate even in the best of times. It’s infrastructure and badly decomposed…
Technology Overload
We are all a victim. Looking at our BlackBerry or iPhone every five minutes to check for emails, texts, and other communication, firing up our laptops everywhere we go, DVR’ing our favorite programs and watching them at our leisure, counting…