Very long story, I will shorten it because I am sure you all don’t want to read a whole book. Basically on Tuesday morning, I woke up to take my son to school. We went through our usual routine and…
Looking for a Job? Beware of Jobs Posted on Craigslist
Craigslist is a very helpful tool to connect people with goods and services. I myself have used Craigslist many times in the past. I found a job many years ago on Craigslist and I worked there for several years. And…
I’m A Foodie But Not a Chef!
I am not much of a cook. Don’t get me wrong, I do know how to cook. But I am limited on the items I make, one because my son especially is really finicky when it comes to food and…
Do the Girl Scouts Still Go Door-to-Door Anymore?
What about Avon calling? I have noticed during the last several years, at least in my area of the county, my doorbell doesn’t ring much. I hardly ever get a door-to-door salesman. As a a matter of fact, I haven’t…
Are You a ‘Brand’ Name Snob?
This topic was spurned on by my fifteen year old son today. To make a long story short, he had a sinus infection last year, and I took him to an after hours clinic (it was a weekend) and they…
My Blackberry Just Died a Painful Death
I am an ambassador when it comes to Blackberry products. I have been a loyal user since 2006, and I have upgraded each time a new series of phones come out. When I woke up yesterday morning, I had no…