This post is sponsored by The Other F Word.
I’m a proud 42 year old mama of a 23 year old and a 13 year old. While I do have one more at home, I did go through a sort of midlife crisis when my son graduated from high school and moved to Los Angeles. Being his mama was the longest thing I had been up to that point, so to say there was a major adjustment period for me is putting it mildly.
I didn’t have anything to reference what I was experiencing during that time, but then of course, there weren’t as many midlife resources as there are now!
One of those such resources of the funny variety is Amazon’s The Other F Word (click HERE). It is a comical look at what happens when the kids have flown the nest and mamas have to find their way, empty nest and all.
Caytha Jentis’ The Other F Word is a glimpse at this thing we call midlife. Often ignored and overlooked, it’s a series 40+ and up women can relate to in so many ways. Tackling issues like menopause, kids leaving the nest, career transitions, and reinvention make it entertaining and mad real.
It also helps that this cast of ladies are awesome actresses and funny as hell. It is an authentic look at what we think, feel, and go through.
Both seasons of The Other F Word are available on Amazon. I promise you, you are in for a real treat. Watch the trailer below:
Click HERE to get more information on The Other F Word, and make sure to also like their Facebook page as well.
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