This post was inspired and sponsored by Domain.ME, the provider of the personal domains that end in .ME. As a company, they aim to promote thought leadership to the tech world. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Back in March, I shared with you the beginning stages of my Online Hub that was created just for me. Now that it is finally complete, I am happy to show it off to everyone. Finally, I have a place online that is like a one-stop shop for me. It showcases all of my digital imprints and projects on one easy to use space. I ready to take things next level!
It’s important to us content creators, digital influencers, and social entrepreneurs to be able to tell our story our way in one place. Now that my online hub is up and running, it can help me better harness my personality and goings on professionally and with a solid design. I am very thankful to Domain.ME for sponsoring my content with this project, and creating an online hub for me that is perfect for my pursuits.
There is so much noise on the web and everyone is fighting to be heard. With my online hub, I can cut through the chatter and be heard, read, and seen.
My online hub is the perfect place to showcase all of my projects seamlessly in one place. I can bring attention to my blog The Cubicle Chick, my food and lifestyle site Life Well Eaten, my WORK IT! Podcast, my book Personal, Professional, and Positive: The 30-Day Challenge, my vlogs, and anything else I am working on.
I was delighted to be able to meet two of the ladies behind the creation and design on my site who worked with Domain.ME to get it up and running. We were all at BlogHer and I got to tell them in person how much I love my online hub.
DanyelleLittle.ME is a wonderful representation of my brand, my style, and my vision.
Check out the site HERE and let me know your thoughts! What do you think of my new online hub?
Brand message: Domain.ME is a domain name provider that allows anyone (personal and/or business) to create a unique, safe identity online with a domain ending in .ME. They operate as a B2B, which means that people can register a domain name through one of 190 accredited registrars that operate as .ME resellers.
Learn more about Domain.ME HERE.
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