August is Get Ready for Kindergarten Month and really, there is no better time to prepare your little one and your own self for kindergarten. As a mom who has lived through kindergarten readiness for her little girl and herself, here are the 5 top tips to help you make the best start to “big” school:
Visit the School Together
One of the best ways to get a child used to the idea to school is to actually visit the school together, see the classrooms, the toys and books, and even chat with the teacher. Some schools have one dedicated day for parent orientation while others may be flexible and welcome you any day of the week. Since each school may have different rules regarding such visits, do call ahead and check.
Read Books About Kindergarten
Switch to kindergarten-themed books for bedtime reading to help your little one see how much fun he’d have in his new world. The Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing and Kindergarten Rocks by Katie Davis are good options and you can find many more on Amazon. Choose a couple that would appeal to your child and start reading them together.
Start Easing Your Preschooler Into a “Big” School Routine
One of the toughest parts about kindergarten is the routine. Ease your little one into it by moving up bedtimes and waking them up early. Also, this may be a good time to help them be better with sharing, playing together as well as following basic instructions.
Play, Read and Learn at Home
Part of your kindergarten readiness routines should include some sort of structured and free play and learning. Whether it is practicing the letters of the alphabet or learning to do math, make sure you’re spending enough time with your preschooler engaging in open-ended learning and play.
Prepare Yourself
Finally, and most importantly, prepare your self for kindergarten and the start of school. Whether it is following a routine to help you stay organized or learning to let your little one be more independent, changing our own habits as parents is key to ensuring a smooth start to school for our eager little learners.
Additional Resources
Here are some additional resources to help you get ready for kindergarten.
Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Helping Children Prepare for Kindergarten by PBS
Kindergarten Readiness by First 5 Santa Clara County
What tips do YOU have to make sure you and your little one are ready for kindergarten? Share with me in the comments!
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