Derby season is here! I think one thing we can all agree on is everything tastes better with a little Southern on it. Since it’s Derby season, there is no better time to pull the bourbon out and get your mint julep on. This Southern Mint Julep Cocktail recipe gives you all the flavor you love about a mint julep with a little southern flair. Look below at how to mix up your own and be the life of your party!
Here is what you will need to make your Southern Mint Julep:
3 sprigs of fresh mint
1 teaspoon of fine confectioner’s sugar
1 ounce of bourbon
1 splash of water
maraschino cherries
1. In a blender mix the sugar and the mint leaves. If you don’t wish to pull out the blender you can chop the mint leaves up finely and stir in the sugar. “Muddle” the mixture, pressing it with a spoon to release all of the flavors and allow them to meld together.
2. In a cocktail shaker or in a tall glass mix in the mint/sugar mixture, your bourbon, and a splash of water. A good “splash” is about 1 tablespoon.
3. Mix the drink well. Pour it over ice and garnish with an additional piece of rinsed mint and of course, your maraschino cherry.
If you are unable to procure fresh herbs in your grocer’s produce section or in your Instacart haul, you can get creative with leafy greens such as the lettuce and kale! For a fresh mint taste, only use fresh mint for this recipe, do not use mint flakes or mint flavoring as the result just won’t be the same.
As you can see, this drink is gorgeous! It tastes best if served in a frosted glass. To do this just run your glass under water and place it upside down in your freezer for about an hour. It will be frosty and perfect, and you won’t have to water your drink down with a ton of ice because your glass will do the job of keeping it cold.
You can easily make a batch of these to serve for a faux Kentucky Derby party, or even create a mint julep bar (if there’s more than one adult in your self-containment situation) so that you both can your own! Just set out all of the ingredients and place the recipe in a small frame, and voila—you’ve got a Mint Julep Cocktail Station. It is a colorful, bold drink that is perfect for to reminisce on the Derby of old, and hopefully the Derby to come after this is all over with.
Give this Southern Mint Julep cocktail recipe a try and see how easy it can be to feel like you are at the races!
This year’s Kentucky Derby will now take place on May 4, 2024.
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