In my Monday blog series, I am sharing why we should all embrace our Mondays.
I was talking to a very good friend last week and the subject of self sabotage came up. I mentioned that there were a few things that I’ve been wanting to do for years, but haven’t because of procrastination. Once we got into the nitty gritty, she brought up a few valid points on why I might be standing in my own way. These goals haven’t been reached because I can’t get them done, but because I am in my own way.
I know you can all relate. There isn’t a person on the face of the planet that has a goal or two that they haven’t been able to reach for an expanded amount of time. These goals aren’t checked off yet because we often sabotage our own potential. We do this by using excuses, procrastinating, or simply going around the obstacle instead of eradicating it. If 2016 was the Year of Yes for Shonda Rhimes, then I want 2018 to be the year that you get out of your own way—the year that I do it, too.
Immediately after the conversation with my friend, I went home and took out my journal and began plotting how I plan to breakthrough the walls I built up so that I can finally reach the forbidden fruit. Here’s my list.
Do something every day that involves my goal.
I used to be good at doing this, but over the last year or two, not so much. There have been times when my I spent more time going around a problem than facing it head on.
The more we do something, the better we get at it. So doing something each day towards our goal is a way to consistently get closer to your dream. That something could be reading a book to help you get more insight, attending a conference, etc. Just one thing. Each day. It isn’t that hard.
Less busy. More productive.
I have a saying—ban busy. Busy isn’t usually good, and it means that we haven’t mastered time efficiency. In order to get out of our own way, we have to be productive. Make better use of our time. Be efficient and on point, and not busy filling time.
F Distractions
And speaking of banning busy. Can we also give distractions the boot? And I’m not just talking about negative distractions, either. I am talking about people and relationships and anything that impedes what it is that we are trying to do. Cutting those strings and ties may be difficult but they must be done if you want to get to the next level.
Say No.
This is pretty self explanatory. Saying no can be liberating. It’s healthy. We may be in our own way because we are too busy saying yes to things we should be saying no to. Can you relate?
Forgive yourself.
We often carry around things that become weights in our lives over time. These weights become self-put barriers that impede our progress. In order to be the best you can be, you have to forgive others and more importantly, forgive yourself. For past mistakes, shortcomings, faults, etc. Getting out of your own way means that the baggage you’ve been carrying around all of these years has to be given up and turned loose.
In closing, make sure that the biggest obstacle you are facing isn’t being put there by you. Here’s to getting out of our own way so that we can be the best people we can be, personally and professionally. I am in it to win it!
Joyce Brewer says
I’ve been working on forgiving myself for some personal mistakes I made. Hard to believe I’ve been in Atlanta 9 years, our son is 8 years old and I feel like I’ve been floating around not really accomplishing all I’m capable of.
Thanks for always being so transparent & open.
The Cubicle Chick says
This is the year for your breakthrough. I just know it! 🙂