Around this time of year, you are probably reading and ingesting a lot of content about resolutions, starting over, living your best, life, etc. I, too, have been inundated with this material and have found myself still starved for bonafide methods for me to sashay into the new year. Everyone seems to have their word for 2018, lessons from 2017, and things they plan to do in the next 12 months. But where is the beef, yo? Where is some solid ish that we can sink our teeth into to really get 2018 popping?
They say if you can’t find it, then create it. So after some self-reflection, introspection, and soul searching via my personal journal, I am sharing with you my secret sauce for how to make 2018 a dope year.
You need to do three things: Serve, support, and slay.
I truly feel that when you are a service to others, you reap the rewards twenty-fold. People never forget what you’ve done for them and how you’ve made them feel, so serving is key to anyone striving to be a difference maker. Supporting others creates a supportive synergy for your projects and talents, which can help you monetarily. And slaying—well honey, you’ve always got to do that!
Let me break it down to you like this.
I don’t care if you are an entrepreneur, a boss, a worker bee, a starving artist, whatever. If you don’t serve, then you don’t get fed. I’ve always said in order to be a success, you’ve got to utilize your gifts and put a price tag on them. You do this by serving. By solving a problem. By being of service to people who need your expertise. Having a dope year means that you walk in your purpose and you get out there and help folk. This will create a meaningful existence for you while allowing you to showcase those talents you’ve got.
Let me put it like this—if you aren’t serving, you aren’t truly living. Make it a point to be of service on a regular and consistent basis and watch your blessings grow.
You can’t complain about no one supporting you when you don’t support others. Do it for the culture. Do it to feel good. Do it without expecting it back in return. Support is key for establishing strong connections within your industry and outside of them. It is mandatory as a human to help nurture and strengthen others, and it makes you feel damn good too.
I challenge you to support a friend, relative, colleague, coworker, mentor, boss, etc. each and every day in 2018. You can do this monetarily by taking them out to coffee to talk shop, or buying their goods or services, or sharing their social media posts, or attending their event. The ways you can show your support are endless! Pour into your community and allow those seeds you plant to grow into something so fabulous, honey, you will be amazed.
I am sure you probably know what the term slay means, but really, are you slaying? Are you out here giving 200% in everything you do without phoning it in? Are you going hard in the paint with your planning and your goals? Are you holding yourself accountable for the things you need to do in order to improve? Are you investing in yourself? Are you being disciplined?
If you answered no to any of these things, you need to do better. Slaying isn’t about being perfect. It is about being positively consistent in the things you need to do in order to live your best life. It is the visual, physical, mental, and emotional representation of who you are as an individual.
Slay 2018 like it is your business. Utilize each day and make it count. Say no when you need to and don’t feel forced to give an explanation. Work out. Eat well. Buy the dress and like Yulunda says, wear the damn lipstick. Stop overanalyzing everything. Sit up straight. Travel by yourself. Leave negativity and guilt in 2017 and shine like no one’s watching.
But most importantly, don’t wait for approval from others. You got this!
Serve. Support. Slay is my motto for 2018 and I intend on doing just that. So much so that I am in the midst of setting up a free community for all of us to help one another keep these goals. Stay tuned for more announcements, and in the meantime, do the damn thing.
I hope 2018 is your best year yet!
P.S. Do you need a tool to help you plan your year? Check out my FREE 2018 Monthly Planner HERE.
I love this motto!!! Such great wisdom for the coming years of life! Blessings to you in 2018
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. May 2018 be the best yet!
Love this motto, I needed this reminder today. Thanks so much!!