If you are a careerist looking to move forward in your profession, read this to learn how to gain more confidence at work.
We all like to do think we totally excel and knock it out of the park each time at work. Whether it’s a new project or report, many of us feel that we exceed expectations—and we probably do. But after an instance where you’ve dropped the ball or had to take some sort of constructive criticism, it can be difficult to rebound and get your swagger back so to speak.
When you are more confident and self assured while in the workplace, it can open up a world of possibilities. Managers and company decision makers like to look to those who are leaders and have charisma and self esteem—these are the types of employees that can move up in the ranks. If you are lacking these qualities, you may find yourself being overlooked for promotions, bonuses, and a higher salary.
Being self assured on a daily basis while in the office has its challenges, but it can be done if you are consistent and follow through with your goals. I am sharing several ways on how you can gain more confidence at work so that you can not only be a success, but be looked at for future opportunities.
Peep my list:
Know your strengths
In order to gain more confidence at work, you must identify your strengths and play to them whenever possible. If you have strong sales strategies, for example, use them to help bring in new clients and customers. Knowing what you are good at and then using it to your advantage is one way that you can maximize your potential while giving you something to feel good about. You will be happier and less stressed in the office, and it can also create leadership opportunities to help groom others as well.
Celebrate your wins
It is necessary to toot your own horn, with humility and humbleness of course. In order to increase your self-esteem, patting yourself on the back is acceptable and can give you just the encouragement you need to keep reaching for your professional goals. Go ahead and celebrate those wins, no matter how large or small and set up an incentive system that can rally you to perform at your optimal best.
Compliment others
I know this may sound weird, but it really works. Complimenting others can do a lot for one’s own confidence. When you are able to see and point out the wonderfulness of others, you are more likely tor receive it back, and this can do wonders to help you gain more confidence at work.
Don’t procrastinate
Procrastination and putting things off can lead to poor performance, preparation, and stress. In order to help you gain confidence at work, you mustn’t be counterproductive. If you are prone to procrastination, eliminate it from habit and work out a strategy that can help you finish tasks and assignments before they are actually due. Seeing your work being done ahead of schedule instead of just in the nick of time will bode well for your overall quality of work within the office, and will make you feel a whole lot stronger professionally.
Build your team
Having a solid team that helps support one another at work is also a confidence booster and a morale improver. Select these people strategically and only bring those in your circle who share your same work ethic and goals.
Implement Power Poses
Power Poses are simply stances or movements that you make that give off powerful body language. These poses can emit feelings of success, greatness, and even control. Some studies have indicated that when you power pose (i.e. hands on your hips or a strong lean on your desk) it gives off more testosterone and cortisol levels, which can help you with self confidence. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk on body language and power poses is a good reference guide to learn how to implement it.
Now that you’ve learned how to gain more confidence at work, it is time for you to put them into action in your workplace. Leave a comment below letting me know if you used them and if they worked for you.
If you have any additional tips, please make sure to list them in the comments section as well.
Excellent list. I would add:
Banish negative self talk.
Stop worrying about others and what they think.
Increase emotional control.
Reduce Distracting Internal Feelings.
Boost Motivation, Stamina and Energy.
I work with my clients to control all of these elements as well as many of those that you have mentioned to increase and boost confidence levels.
These are great adds! I love them!