Today is Easter Sunday, a day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I don’t get religious much on my blog, but I will have you know that Easter is a very important holiday for me and my family. It is not about the Easter bunny, or candy, or baskets, but about a gift that was given to us. The sacrifice that was made on our behalf was the greatest sacrifice of them all, and I don’t take it lightly. Today, we celebrate the gift that was given and the story behind it all.
My family and I will be going to church and worshipping, and then we will hit a favorite brunch spot of ours to get our eat on. Now that The Chicklet is older, she is beginning to understand what Resurrection Sunday is, and we have been discussing a great deal lately.
I wish everyone a Happy Easter and hope that you all take some time out today to worship. Here are a few photos of our Easter Sunday freshness. 🙂
Joyce@MommyTalkShow says
Lovely photos and a Happy Easter Monday to you!
The Cubicle Chick says
Thank you, Joyce. I hope you and your brood had a Happy Easter as well 🙂