So, I did it. I drank the Kool-Aid wholeheartedly and began planning on how to score the ultra low supply iPhone 5s on the first day of its release. After going to Target, who hadn’t received their shipment that morning, I sauntered over to Best Buy and got my Space Gray device, all within 20 minutes. It was that deep. And now that I have had it for a full ten days, I’ve had time to fully assess if all of my hard work to secure one was worth it.
Here are my thoughts thus far.
Camera like WHOA!
I am in love with the camera on the iPhone 5s. It’s intuitive, sharp, and probably one of the best smartphone cameras on the market. I am not too fond of the filters (Instagram still reigns supreme in that area), but I love the continuous shot feature and the flash. And the video quality and front-facing camera also blasts it’s predecessor out of the water.
Fingerprint Sensor
Work hard enough on anything, and it can be hacked. With that in mind, I enjoy the Fingerprint sensor and don’t miss the old home button. I also like how you can store up to five fingerprints on the phone for others to use—right now, I have two; me and my Chicklet.
The Need for Speed
This phone rocks when it comes to speed. Virtually no lagging between apps and everything opens up smoothly and in record time. The A7 processor on this bad boy is worth the upgrade my friends, especially if you multitask. Loving it!
iOS 7
While many people think iOS 7 looks like a kiddie operating system on steroids, I rather like it. The rather dark and boring previous Apple iOS was starting to cramp my style. I’m a fan of the new look and style.
Battery Life
A vast improvement from my 4s. And although I use Phoebe (yes, I’ve named my 5s), with a Mophie Juice Pack Plus due to my heavy travel schedule, I can see a vast difference on how much juice my phone is using. Keep this up, Apple, and I may not have a use for my Samsung Galaxy S4.
Now that Siri is no longer in Beta, and actually works as intended, I am using her more. And yes, she is a her based on the fact that I selected the female voice version in my settings.
In a word, I am smitten. As an Apple Fan Girl, I am happy to have a phone that makes me feel complete. However, if you have a iPhone 5 and have upgraded to iOS 7 and don’t need faster speed, fingerprint sensor, or a better camera, you still are getting a dose of the good life.
Good to know.
My husband is due for an serious iPhone upgrade.
He’s rocking the 3, not even the 3s. It shuts down and hardly keeps a charge.
But we really need an upgrade so we can Facetime while he’s at work or we’re on separate trips.
I’ll share your review with him (via e-mail since he’s “allergic) to social media!
Oh, wow, Joyce, he definitely needs to upgrade. The iPhone 5s will really be a vast improvement from what he is used to. And since he is due for an upgrade, he won’t have to pay full price for the phone. Let me know how it goes