Texting while driving has been a discussion in my home for several years now, due to the fact that I have a teen driver. When he first started learning how to drive, I thought about all of the bad habits he might pick up from me while I drove. Being as how I have been driving since I was 16, I wasn’t a perfect driver and was pretty lax with some of the items the Driving School was teaching him. Add to the fact that I sent text messages while I drove. Talk about being a bad mom.
So, because I wanted to lead by example, I stopped texting while driving. I purchased a Hands Free device that I could use while driving that would have me keep my eyes on the road, not on the phone. And when my son began driving on his own, it was something I made sure he also did not text and drive.
According to AT&T, 100,00 accidents a year involve drivers who are texting. This is a huge problem in our technologically obsessed society. So much so that AT&T created the It Can Wait (click here) campaign to encourage people to sign a pledge promising that they would not text and drive. Because, it can wait! September 19th is It Can Wait’s National Drive for Pledges Day. It is to encourage everything to do the right thing and make the car a no texting zone.
Texting while driving is not only dangerous, it can be deadly. So take a moment to take the It Can Wait pledge!
Watch Warner Herzog’s powerful short film about texting and driving. Please share with your social feeds and networks.
Do your part to spread the message about It Can Wait. Drivers and passengers around the world thank you!
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