In my eBook, SHINE: 10 Tips for Effective Work Life Balance (click here to download), I give advice on how you can improve both your personal and professional life with 10 takeaways that you can begin to use immediately. There are plenty of naysayers who don’t believe in Work Life Balance, but as someone who has a background in Human Resource Management, I believe that Work Life Balance is indeed real and can be utilized for a better quality of life.
Check out my latest vlog entitled, For Better Work Life Balance, Ditch the Tech. In it, I give 3 ways you can unplug, which can give you more time to spend with the people who count the most. As a Digital Debutante, I am all for technology—but only when it is used during times when it is needed. Overuse of technology can lead to a bevy of problems and issues; don’t fall victim to this.
Take a peek at the video below and let me know your thoughts:
Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, as I am working on adding more videos and vlogs.
Thanks for the tips! #2 is definitely important for my friends and I if we go out to eat somewhere. Nothing is more frustrating than that one friend who is constantly on their smartphone and oblivious to the conversation around them.
Erik, thanks for commenting. It’s real rude for someone to be consumed by their phone when they should be engaging. Hoping that as people work at Work Life Balance, it gets better.