There is a lot of chatter amongst the careerist and personal development crowd regarding Work Life Balance. Some believe that there is no such thing as Work Life Balance. It’s something that cannot be achieved, and if so, it means that one probably won’t be successful. Because, after all, being a success means that you are always about work. Workoholics prosper. Other’s don’t. In my new eBook, SHINE: 10 Tips for Effective Work Life Balance, I give real-life tips that everyone can utilize to help improve their lives, both personally and professionally. I am a proponent of Work Life Balance, and don’t mind shouting its praises.
I was recently asked this question: Does Work Life Balance truly exist? And if so, how can we achieve it?
Of course, my answer is yes. I discuss at the beginning of my eBook the importance of Work Life Balance and how it’s not perfection we are after, but rather a realistic balance of both our personal and professional lives. Many of us have careers or are working towards being the ultimate entrepreneur. This balance is important and key to having a productive life in every aspect.
Here’s some much needed information about Work Life Balance:
1. It is real and does exist.
The purpose of Work Life Balance is to help merge both the work life and the personal life in a way where they both get the proper amount of attention without either superseding the other. With Work Life Balance, you make an effort on a daily basis to make time for work (and do work duties during this time) while also concentrating on personal after work is over (and leaving that time open and available for personal only).
2. Work Life Balance is hard work. At first.
When you start to begin Work Life Balance, it can be hard at first. The things we are used to doing often interfere with the balance. And because of this, we have to retool our mindset and learn new ways of doing things. But once you get into the groove, it becomes second nature and something you do without much thought or work.
3. It means that your career isn’t important. NO!
I heard one of my counterparts say that Work Life Balance is more about your personal than about work and achieving greatness. To that, I don’t agree. When you have your personal life in check and are fulfilled in that area, then it benefits your professional life. You are less stressful, and more apt to make wise decisions. Work Life Balance helps improve your personal life, which therefore, improves your career. Your career gets a boost because you are happier personally.
4. Work Life Balance is a fad.
Perhaps it is. Many personal development action items are the result of case studies and factors that may or may not be relevant fifteen years from now. But while technology use increases and careers benefit, the balance of personal and professional can easily get skewed and blurred. Work Life Balance is important for our current hyperactive digital and work focused lifestyle, and until such time when it isn’t, then Work Life Balance will be a topic to be discussed and put forth.
I hope this post continues to give you some insight about Work Life Balance and its importance. To continue the discussion, you can download my free eBook about Work Life Balance here. You can also check out this article, in which I was quoted in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, all about technology and Work Life Balance.
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