Hey there Cubes & Dudes!
These days I’m a coach and conversationalist blogging about life, love and relationships at A House To Love.com. Before then, I spent 13 years hanging out in a cubicle longing to understand the true purpose of my life. I researched and discovered the latest buzz word in the professional industry was “coach”. I didn’t have a clue what coaching was about but it peaked my interest and I found a coach that helped me uncover my passion for relationships.
As a result, I began a new career as a Relationship and Marriage Coach. My primary clients consist of individuals and couples seeking assistance with navigating the roadmap of their life and relationships. I challenge people to answer the question “What’s your PRT?”, which is a concept I developed to recognize the Perception, Reality and Truth of any situation.
Many people think they don’t need a life coach, but I am here to tell you—having one can change your life in so many positive ways. We can help you fulfill your goals while getting to the root of many issues that may be impeding you from moving forward.
Here are 5 reasons why you may need a life coach:
1. Are you lost in love? It’s normal for a person to feel stuck in their relationship. I assist my clients by offering a non-judgmental perspective which lends an opportunity to remove the real blocks that are preventing the relationship from moving in an upward direction.
2. Are you thinking about saying “I don’t”? Not every couple that jumps the broom lands on their feet. As a coach, I’m focused on a higher level and assist couples with reaching their defined end goal. Coaching helps to uncover core beliefs, values and ideas that benefit the team as opposed to individual egos.
3. Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? We’ve all been there so it’s understandable to be frustrated and lonely. I coach individuals that desire to be in a relationship on how to build a relationship with themselves first. In this process of self awareness, clients shift their thoughts from what they lack and/or need to recognizing the gifts they can contribute to a healthy relationship.
4. Are you tolerating certain aspects of your life? When the mind is stressed, decision-making suffers and makes room for assumptions, interpretations and beliefs that may not be true. I coach my clients in developing short and long term action plans which creates opportunities to move from functional to optimal living.
5. Are you stuck inside of your head? It’s easy to be convinced by your inner voice that says “you can’t”, “you’ll never” and “you’re not”. Faith and fear cannot reside in the same space. Coaching brings awareness to who you truly are by removing inner blocks such as self-doubt and past experiences, as well as outer blocks like time and money. I challenge clients to discover their greatest potential by shifting their thoughts from
“I cannot” towards “I absolutely will!”.
Did you answer yes to any of these questions? If so, you need a coach and go figure…I happen to know an AMAZING chick! Check me out at www.coachshaquan.com for more information and schedule your complimentary and confidential 60 minutes session to begin discovering the greatest potential within your life and relationships!
Written By: Shaquan Grove, CoachShaquan.com
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