A few weeks ago while on Twitter, I discussed how important I feel that writing letters and note cards are. Emails, texting, tweeting, and communicating on social networks is fine, but we should never totally get away from writing handwritten correspondence. I think it’s truly a personal touch that should never go out of style. A lot of you tweeted and agreed with me and it got me to thinking that spearheading a campaign to get everyone involved to share the virtues of writing letters would be a goal of mine in 2013.
I’ve come up with the #WriteMore Campaign that encourages all participating to write at least two (2) handwritten notes or letter correspondence per month. It will also be a database of approved participants who are matched up to exchange at least one of those letters/notes monthly. Sort of like having a pen pal but better.
To get the word out about the #WriteMore Campaign and to share what we are doing, there will be one Twitter chat monthly using the #WriteMore hashtag. Prizes and swag will be given to winners during the Twitter chat, most of which will be items that letter writers can use (think gift cards to Office Depot, Hallmark, etc.)
Here’s our #WriteMore Purpose:
The purpose of the Write More Campaign is to encourage individuals to write more letters and notes in the traditional fashion, increasing personalization and the creative process. Through emails, texts, etc., we have lost our way with the written word, relying on abbreviations, symbols, and other shortcuts. Handwriting letters and notes can be fun and can show someone you care by taking the time to write a personalized letter. It can also be a way to unplug from technology and the Internet to recharge and refocus.
If you would like to participate in #WriteMore beginning January 2, 2013, please click HERE to fill out the form.
Our first #WriteMore Twitter Chat will take place on Thursday, January 3rd at 12 noon/1pm EST. Anyone can participate, since this is the first time we are doing it, but in order to win the prizes that will be given during the chat, please leave a comment below to RSVP.
Are you going to participate in #WriteMore?
Sounds like fun… I filled out the form. 🙂
Very nice job!
It sounds like a lot of fun and I am not sure if I will be able to participate in the twitter chat due to my work schedule but I will try to remember. I will be able to do a handwritten letter though every month.
Love this! I think having goals for things helps me accomplish some of what I want to do and handwritten notes/letters rock!
I am going to participate in #WriteMore Party!!!
I will attend the Twitter chat and I have filled out the form! This is going to be great!
RSVP: @sixximus_prime
what an great campaign, looking forward to tweeting it out.
@SPN_Mom I will be there!
I have a mtg at noon tmo but RSVP’ing anyway in case my schedule changes! 🙂
sounds fun! @sweetmatcha will be there!
All signed up!!
rsvp @LLLSummer
This is a great idea!
RSVP @natfield84
Looking forward to it! @abbebrown
Sounds great! I’ll be there 🙂 @a_biro
RSVP @mattandnae
So excited! I love this topic! Following everyone! @FORESTofWISHES
I will be there…this sounds great. @SewIntoEwe
Looking forward to the chat!
I will be at the twitter chat! What a great idea.
Great idea!
done @janejoeyxo
Is it too late to join?
i’ll be there! @Callie1981
Will be there @RUtheMOMof5
RSVP @JeanetteElb I was thinking a lot about letter writing as I was sending out cards and letters to relatives all over the country for Christmas!
This sounds like a really fun chat. Looking forward to it! @kygurl62689
I’ll be there 🙂
@PeriwinkleSays will be there!
I’ll see you then! I’d love to write more about my daughter to preserve all of her sweet memories!
RSVP @JeanetteElb
Love it, I will be there
LOVE this idea!! Can’t wait to participate!
RSVP @redfuzzycow
RSVP @marilola33
LOVE this! Joining via @_MYCC
Rsvp 😀
RSVP @tammysigond
@djc319 rsvp
I just signed up