As a Cubicle Chick that now works in her own home office tucked neatly on my porch, I find myself looking for new ways to keep it festive in my workspace. I am a reformed soda-holic who has tried to do her best NOT to drink soda—some days I succeed, and sometimes I fail, but I do know that incorporating other drinks and juices in my regimen does wonders. We all know that soda is not good for us, so having fun and flavorful alternatives are key to staying away from the fizz.
I began drinking Crystal Light when I was on a diet in 2001, and not only did I lose tons of weight because I didn’t drink soda, but I found that Crystal Lights drinks were the business—-I didn’t miss soda at all.
Ten years later, I still struggle with staying in shape, but I still enjoy Crystal Light. So I’ve entered their ‘Flavor Over Fizz Challenge’ in which we were asked to submit pictures of our Crystal Light drinks spruced up with a little bit of fabulosity.
Below are pictures of my concoction entitled, ‘Cubicle Hole-PUNCH’ made with Crystal Light’s Fruit Punch and Green Tea Raspberry. Crystal Light’s easy to use On-the-Go packets make it easy for you to drink while you are on the move; just add it to your water bottle or your travel tumbler (with water of course) and voila, you are all set!
What do you think of my ‘Cubicle Hole-PUNCH’?

You too can take the Crystal Light Flavor Over Fizz Challenge and win cool prizes just for nixing your diet soda! Are you up for the challenge?
I, The Cubicle Chick, participated in the Crystal Light Flavor Over Fizz Challenge, via Glam Media. This is not a compensated post. I was sent Crystal Light On-the-Go packets to review at no cost to me.
I like the taste of Crystal Light, but I’m still a bit leery about the aspartame – any artificial sweetener, really. This is both from a health/cancer perspective, and because of the studies that have shown that consumption of them can be counterproductive when it comes to weight management. Recently, I’ve been freezing strawberries, grapes, blueberries, etc. and using them as ice cubes, while squeezing just a bit of juice in my water. What are your thoughts?
You bring up a good point about artificial sweeteners. I don’t know enough about artificial sweetners to make a valid assessment, but I assume that it is okay in moderation. I will also contact Crystal Light to see what they have to add to your comment.
As for you adding fruit to your water, I love adding lemon, mint , and cucumber to mine. A great way to spice up boring water.