For most of my adult life, I have been #teamlonghair. Maybe it because I felt that society pressured me to keep it that way. Or maybe it was because I have a chubby face and always tried to hide it behind long hair. Whatever the case, I was never one who embraced short hair, and when I had the big chop last year to go natural, I quickly went to adding braids and pieces because I didn’t like the way I looked with short hair. Finally six weeks ago, I decided to just go ahead and take the plunge in cutting my hair and I am so glad I did.
I haven’t felt this bold, this funky, or this sexy in a long time. And not only is it easy to maintain, but it has also made me more creative as far as my wardrobe is concerned. My new-found sassiness gives me many ideas when it comes to my clothes and shoe options.
And with the heat that is sure to be prevalent this summer, a short crop is nice and cool—no need for ponytails or updo’s.
So the long and short of it is this—-I love my new short hair and will be rocking it indefinitely.
How do you like to rock your hair? Long, short, or in between?
(and here are a few pics of my short crop)
Thanks to Cre at The Styling Boutique/Styles by Cre for hooking me up with this look.
I love it. This cut is stunning on you.
Cyn, thank you! I appreciate your comment.
Charles….cute babe. Cute.
I think the shorter haircut makes your face look smaller. I just big chopped my hair two weeks ago. :-O I wasn’t ready to sport the shorter ‘do, so I slapped some kinky twist braids in it and have been wearing those for the past two weeks. Today, I took them out and now I’m about to embrace my shorter hair and learn how to get creative with my “new” hair. I even bought some big earrings to help accentuate my new look!
Vivica, thank you so much for commenting. I think I’ve seen your new ‘do on your FB profile. I still have the chubby face thing going on but I am glad that the shorter hair makes it appear less chubby.
Now I know that took a couple hundred shots LOL. But super cute !! I like it.
Aimee, yeah try about 1,000. LOL. Most of them ended up on the cutting room floor. What can I say, I am my biggest critic. LOL. Thanks for commenting.
Ohhhh – I really like this style on you! You look fabulous!
Lovin’ the new ‘do! It looks FAB! You can definitely rock some hot earrings with that look–like the ones you’re wearing!
Uh yeah, that’s the cut for you babe, amazing! Btw, I wear my hair any way…lately it’s been long, other times short. Might hack this off soon. Would change length more often if it wasn’t for hubby but I think he’s over it now. You look great!
It looks great!! Enjoy the freedom it will give you this summer!
I really love the style and it looks great on you!
I want to cut my hair short just like that.. whoop whoop!
The cut suits you well. I’ve had my hair cut short a few times in my life but now I am growing it out. Right now it’s in between lengths but hopefully by the end of summer I will have my desired length. I’m never cutting my hair again.
team short hair rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the new (not so new now) hair style. You lookg younger with the style. That’s the perfect cut for the summer! Are you still natural?
It’s pretty…You have the face to pull it off….I could never go short…I tried it…Stopped her mid way through cutting it because I changed my mind…Cried when I got home…Vowed never to do it again…Now I am going a more natural route…Not natural as in afros, although there is nothing wrong with that…I’m just opting for a more natural, chemical free, healthy hair…And i’m loving the journey…Learning new things about my hair…Learning that I don’t need to rely on a perm…
love the cut on you! im still #teamlonghair