Before you answer the question, I will let you know that I have been guilty of this myself. In the past, I found that I took on way more than I could physically carry, either because I couldn’t say no or I felt that I could “get er done” without thinking about the ramifications of it all. Of course, I only shot myself in the foot because I was once again abandoning a project mid-term because I didn’t have the fortitude. I call this “getting in your own way”.
Some people also call this “biting off more than you can chew”. Whatever the term you prefer, it basically means that you have taken on way more than you can handle and it stops you from progressing or moving forward.
How can you avoid getting in your own way?
Just Say No
As I mentioned before, I am such a pleaser, I often say yes to things to avoid saying no. I mean, who wants to be the bad guy? But in doing so, it has caused me serious issues with meeting deadlines and whatnot, and I don’t want to continue to let people down. So if I am not excited about completing a particular project when asked, I turn it down, politely of course. Saying no has helped me in so many ways and has changed my work habits completely around. I am able to focus and concentrate on real items that mean a lot to me, and I let other things fall by the wayside. Sometimes it isn’t easy telling someone you like no, but always keep it real—if you can’t complete it and don’t want to complete it, do sign on to do it. Just say no!
Prioritize Your Tasks
This time last year, I was all over the place. I didn’t have a method to my madness, no calendar, no lists—I sucked! And it showed in my work because I couldn’t focus because I had so many things going on. Learning to prioritize has drastically improved my quality of work and I am less stressed out and able to focus better. Use a calendar or Outlook to map out your schedule, or even your smartphone. Use color codes for importance (red for HOT, yellow for warm, blue for cold, etc. etc.)
Know Your Limits
Knowing your limits is also a very important factor in all of this. If you know in your head you cannot accomplish a certain task, then stay in your lane and give it to someone else. Many times, us perfectionists don’t want to hand the baton to someone else, but in the end, it usually causes more stress and havoc. Delegate when needed and utilize others when necessary.
When you are the one getting in the way of your success, it can truly make you feel stagnated. Get out of your own way and be focused, prioritize, and delegate. When you do so, the world opens up. And the possibilities are endless!
Are you getting in your own way?
Joyce Brewer says
Great post!
Prioritizing is my new assignment. I only have a few hours to “work” and often I find myself running around or starting several things that I don’t finish.
Now that I have my business checking account open and a few dollars in it, I’m going to invest in a filing system and large wall calendar, to back up what’s already in my IPhone. The calendar will be a visual reminder of what I have to do & when, plus allow my husband to see how much I “really” work on projects.
Lisa R. @ SoloMomLife says
I absolutely must master saying no. Prioritizing and knowing your limits are crucial! Also, just because something comes easily for you, don’t feel like you “have” to take it on. Often these “quick” projects come at the expense of something you’d rather be doing if you were free, like spending time with your kids or enjoying some “me” time.
Marty says
My full time jobs involves virtually all clients that cannot say no. It is one of the elements of addiction, I suspect. We all suffer with it to a greater or lesser extent. Making improvements about it really helps.
Jeanine Byers Hoag @ Dressing My Truth says
You know what? Not only have I done this with others, but mostly, I have done it to myself. I decide with no external pressure that I can do this plus that and then, that, and then that other thing.
Eventually, I run screaming out of the run and end up not doing any of them, and I sometimes lose something valuable in the process that would have been good for me!
The pressure is internal. The volume is love but I think the message is something like “do more,” or maybe it’s “that’s not enough!” Which, yowza, is a message I need to get rid of immediately.
Thanks for this great post, Danyelle!
Henway says
I am often guilty of saying Yes to too many things as well. But it just burns you out in the long term and does you no good. It’s better to have a spine and tell ppl when you’ve reached your limits
Lynne Quintana says
I love the post… Its like first thing first that we need to constantly keep them before us.
Holly says
Great post! Prioritize, and for sure, learn to say “NO”. The biggest obstacle I have is me! That is for sure! No sense in overdoing it, cause then you can get into real trouble! Thanks.