I am not sure if you have been watching We TV’s newest reality show, Braxton Family Values, starring the sisters Braxton (Toni, Towanda, Traci, Trina, and Tamar), alongside mother Evelyn on Tuesday nights, but if you aren’t you are #losing. These sisters are the epitome of dysfunction mixed with love and a tad bit of jealously as each of the younger sisters vie for attention and to get from under the shadows of their most famous older singer, Grammy winner Toni. But even under the entertainment value, there is something even more disturbing—youngest sister Tamar.
We all have that friend who is the loudest, ghetto-est, and most thirsty woman at the party. The one who is always talking about what she has but is insecure and wants what everyone else has? That is Tamar Braxton.
Between her OMG.com, .org, .net domain tendencies and her penchant to throw up in everyone’s face what she has, Tamar is a character. I wish I could say that this was all an act, but Tamar is a piece of work, baby. And from what I have heard about her failed record career, it was because of her poor attitude and mouthy ways that she has been on the sidelines and not on tour or sitting on a record contract.
She is a beautiful woman who is married to a major record mogul and has everything a girl could want—but because she is forever staying in someone else’s lane, she will never be satisfied or happy because she can’t let anyone else shine but her.
It is plain to see that she is desperately jealous of her sister Toni’s huge success.
If you are a Tamar (and if you don’t know one, it could be that this could be you), I say stop stirring the post and get your own business. Be happy with what you have and the blessings that has been bestowed upon you. Enjoy your life and all that entails and stop chasing after someone else’s success.
Jealousy and insecurity is not becoming at all.
Have you been watching Braxton Family Values? What do you think about the sisters, and most importantly, what do you think about Tamar’s desperately seeking attention ways?
Photo credit: Your Music, My World
No I am not a Tamar and after watching the third installment of this show, I can honestly say that I will never watch it again. Tamar is just rude, rude, rude. She’s the most unflattering category since NeNe. I am CONVINCED that she would sell her older sister in a minute to get the spotlight. I would FIRE Tamar and let her have all the time in the world to build her career.
I don’t think she really loves her husband (let’s face it Tamar loves Tamar), but she refers to him as her homeboy, not her husband. It’s clear that she doesn’t want kids (and that is her right, she is incredibly selfish, so she shouldn’t bring a child into this world if that’s her personality), but what I found interesting is that in knowing what has happened financially to her sister, that she would be willing to spend all of this money on unnecessary items such as 13,000 sunglasses!
It is no mystery why her sisters do not have great relationships with their husbands. Too much family intervention. I’m all for family helping when there needs to be involvement (I think the intervention with the sister who’s drinking helped her receive a DUI was perfect), but going to her husband behind her back was a no no. The fact that he also sided with their father (who turns out cheated on their mother) indicates that all of the sisters and the mother are in serious denial of what to do in their personal relationships.
This show raises my blood pressure. I don’t deal with my own family who love drama. I will be watching “The Voice” instead.
Moni, yes Tamar is a piece of work. She really showed her a$$ on last night’s episode. I am sure she will be divorced in a few years. When her husband sees who she truly is and is no longer worried about having a trophy on her shoulders. I do like Toni and the other sisters so I will continue to watch.
Tamar is definitely out of control. She definitely puts it on for the camera, and has a really bad attitude. It’s all about her. In last night’s episode, I though she was wrong to bad mouth all the sisters’ husband’s and then praise her own. I doubt the relationship will last because she has way too many issues.
I have to wonder about some of this stuff. Tamar’s attitude is probably half of what got the show greenlighted (the other half being Toni’s semi-relevant celebrity status.) If everyone on the show was all hugs and giggles there wouldn’t be a show. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tamar doesn’t turn it up a notch b/c of the cameras. After all, we all know that “reality tv” is not all reality.
A few years back there was a “reality” therapy show called ‘Starting Over’ and Iyanla Vanzant was one of the therapists. One of these sisters (the one w/ the pigtails in the pic above) was on there and it seems like she is still dealing w/ the same issues as she was back then, including her marital issues. Sad to say, but these shows are all about drama which equals ratings. Love or hate (or pity) Tamar, she has people talking about the show and that’s the real goal.
As far as real life, I have definitely had to cut loose a Tamar-like drama queen in the past. To quote Lil Kim, “I got no time…”
Yeppers I tune in faithfully and I’m convienced Tamara is MJ reincarnated minus the attitude. She is living proof that money, things and fame doesn’t satisfy. She’s miserable! Chick wass cocky enough to state adamantly that her man will not cheap. Okay with a triple sideeye. Sad thing is without her antics who would tune in?
Yes I’ve been following…Duh…I’m a reality show junky :-)My thoughts on the show…
It seems like the show is centered around Toni’s sisters more than her…Which is what I expected…Trina and Tracy are my favorites…Trina seems cool…Tamar, I really believe that some of what she says and does on the show, is for show…She’s being “extra”…What’s interesting about Tamar, is that before this weeks episode, I pretty much knew that she fronts on camera sometimes…Do i still think she is shallow/vain? Yes…Self esteem issues? Yes….Gold digger? Yes…All about me me me? Yes…But what really stuck out to me is during the last episode, while riding in the car with her husband, talking about her career, she stated that she has grown up with sisters and feels like she has to compete…Especially since her sister is Toni…This right here, confirmed what I thought previously…Majority of the time when she acts like that, it’s like she is competing for attention…She wants folks to talk about her since she is trying to get her career started…Bravo…It’s working…She always has something to say….If the conversation is about someone else, it somehow manages to turn into a conversation about her….Why do i say she has self esteem issues…SHE AS WELL AS TRINA BLEACH THEIR SKIN…And probably Toni…No one noticed that??? That’s were the whole self esteem thing comes into play…She is married only for money and what that man can do for her…Tamar would be likeable, she really would, if she would just TONE IT DOWN A NOTCH…Her mouth alone was enough to make me stop watching the show after the first 20 min of the first episode…This is reality television…Folks think they need to act out to get ratings….VH1 or Bravo reality anyone?
Overall, the show isn’t bad…Minus Tamar’s mouth, it’s watchable…And I agree with whoever said that Trina’s husband stated that he relates to their father/something to that effect…That says alot…If he wasn’t BSing for the cameras and meant what he said, that means that the women in the family all have a common denominator when it comes to their personalities and the men in their lives and their relationships…I can’t say what that common denominator is after watching 3 episodes but I have a pretty good assumption…Like I said, overall, the show is cool…No Basketball Wives or RHOA drama so they good in my book…
For a woman who has very limited success in her career it seems from this post she has a lot of overbloated expectations…
I have been watching Braxton Family Values from the beginning and I am just in awe of how selfish, shallow, and self-centered Tamar is. I don’t think I have ever encountered someone so way out in left field. Last night’s episode was just too much. She actually had the audacity to plan an “appreciation” dinner (as she called it) for Vince, but proceeded to make it all about her. OMG, she even admitted that she planned the dinner so that he would move forward with plans for her album. The restaurant where the dinner was held apparently didn’t even serve the type of food he likes. I am certain it was chosen so that she could be the center of attention and as she says, “drop it like it hot” with the little dance routine she orchestrated. And to totally ostracize Toni for considering posing in Playboy and then proceed to take revealing photos of herself was priceless. To take it even farther, she actually presented her husband with this gigantic picture of herself half dressed – IN A RESTAURANT. Her antics are becoming so absurd I’m wondering if she is unbalanced or just seriously immature.
The argument with she and Traci – ok maybe Traci was a little too honest, but I agree, I have doubts the marriage will last either. Vince is obviously an intelligent guy and he will figure it out. Maybe he has and just accepts her for what she is – over the top SHALLOW, SELFISH, AND SSELF-CENTERED dot com.
Well dang… I guess that sums it up pretty well. I’ve never seen their show, but your description of Tamar is pretty consistent with how she was portrayed on Tiny and Toya’s show. That’s kind of sad because Tamar has really been blessed.