I could write a whole college paper on Amber Portwood. The teen mother who first appeared on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant and then Teen Mom got a lot of flack this year because of her abuse of her baby’s father Gary. Amber pretty much treated him like crap, called him fat, and slapped him like a rag doll—all in front of their baby, Leah. Amber was charged with domestic violence , and was temporarily barred from having custody of her daughter.
Now comes word that Amber is pregnant, again. Leah is now 2 and has a little brother or sister on the way.
This does not surprise me. Amber has shown signs of bi-polar tendencies while on the show, as well as low self esteem and the need to be the center of attention. Instead of focusing on improving her life for her and her child, she has gotten pregnant, again.
Much has been said about MTV’s Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant, but teen pregnancy is a reality in our world, no matter how much it is dramatized on television. On these shows, you see these teens struggle with being pregnant and having a child so young. But you also have to wonder if they are truly struggling—they are being filmed and paid by MTV. Like many teen moms not on television, they will never go hungry or not have a place to stay, I am sure.
All of this is coming from the tabloid, Star Magazine, but is reportedly true. There has been rumblings for a month or so that Amber was pregnant again.
The Huffington Post has also ran with the story.
Is Leah’s dad and Amber’s ex-fiancee Gary the father? I guess we will have to stay tuned.
wow. Not that Surprised either. Yup, and Teen Mom is already in the next new season of teenagers having babies. Its a money maker for MTV….Why? Why are we so interested in it?
@Holly, I wish I knew why I watch the show. With me being a teen mom myself at 18, I do understand their plight as well as the problems they go through. But of course there is editing which can skew reality. I am rooting for these girls.
ugh… that just makes me mad!
It’s obvious that Amber hasn’t learned her lesson. And if she hasn’t gotten help for her anger management, there are going to be major problems ahead.
I must say… I don’t like to label ppl as bi-polar. IMO that is a cop-out diagnosis, even by a doc. If anyone is abusive, there are reasons why. That’s a cycle. She learned that in her home as a child & now she is teaching her daughter the same. She needs deep, intensive therapy so she can break that cycle. & MTV should offer THAT instead of a paycheck.
@MissSara–According to a doctor, she was classified as bi-polar on the show during a doctor visit. And even though it can be used as a cop-out, I have family members who have been diagnosed with this disease and it does cause irritability, severe mood changes, and anger. I am sure that on top of the stress of being a young mom and possibly growing up seeing others fight in her family is a recipe for disaster. I hope she gets help, wishing her the best for her and her children.
i truely dont think she would go get pregnant again after all she’s been through….yall need to stop lying..