Yes, the title you just read is not a satirical statement. There is a business that has been created whose mission is to help men keep it in their pants. Hmm, is it really that easy?
According to entrepreneur Tia Robbins, wife of Rams defensive tackle Fred Robbins, ‘Off the Market’ is a business that specializes in helping keep men faithful. In a world full of men who have the propensity to cheat, she may find herself flushed with business.
On the official Off the Market website, Tia states their mission:
Off the Market seeks to enrich the lives of couples by offering a unique environment, exclusive services, and access to valuable resources for the ultimate benefit and honoring of the relationship between woman and man.
Couples, by invite only, are able to attend events through ‘Off the Market’ that foster the fun, positive, and sexy lifestyle monogamous couples should be having.
Simply put, the “don’t mess with my man” rule is in effect, and even Tiger Woods nor Brett Favre can change that.
I applaud Tia for creating a business that focuses on the betterment of relationships but I don’t think a business can stop a man from cheating. He can attend these events with his wife or significant other to give the appearance that he is all for monogamy, and when her head is turned, try to get it on with the next chick who is willing.
If a man (or woman for that matter) wants to cheat, he will cheat.
And, newsflash—cheating is not just for athletes, entertainers, rappers, actors, etc. Men who cheat come from all backgrounds and genres. As long as there are women around, a man who wants to cheat can get busy with a willing participant.
So there you have it.
I wish Tia and her business well. Who knows? Maybe if Elin had sent Tiger to something like this years ago, they would still be together without the infamous event that took place last November. I highly doubt it, though.
What are your thoughts?
Wow….what has marriage become? I believe that if this NFL wife go into schools and teach high schoolers about relationships that this may help. The bottomline is that people cheat. Male & female. This event doesn’t sit well with me if the whole premise is to keep men from cheating. Stop getting married for the wrong reasons and that would stop the cheating.
You hit the nail on the head. I think most people cheat because they are unfulfilled in their marriage.
You know, it always pisses me off when I hear people talk about how famous men can’t help but cheat because there are so many hot pieces of ass throwing themselves at them. Although that’s probably true for women too, it seems to be said more in relation to men. As if because the women are attractive they have an excuse.
But I think it has more to do with opportunity than anything. Not that that absolves them by any means, but it makes more sense to me. The average person only has so many people available to cheat on their spouse with. But a celebrity has a constant stream of people actively trying to entice them to cheat. It’s like having drugs in your face at all times. Yes, you definitely can and should resist, but when it’s something you’re exposed to regularly it becomes more difficult.
So maybe something like this is what celebrities need…a program to keep their relationship alive and healthy coupled with tools to help them beat away all of the willing suitors the rest of us average people don’t have to deal with.
I hear you, Murph! Since Tia and her business is located in STL, we can bumrush one of her events and see what the hoopla is all about. Anything that deters spousal cheating may be worth the visit.
Cheating is a matter of the heart and a business can not regulate that. If her purpose is to provide an environment where married couples can have fun and build their relationships then I’m all for it…but you can’t stop someone who wants to cheat from cheating.
I’ll play devil’s advocate here. I’ll say a business CAN help a man not cheat if they provide him with resources and educate him on how to maintain a healthy marriage. It’s all about knowledge here. Show him videos on how people’s lives have been destroyed by cheating. Tell him how biology wants us to pursue new partners at the expense of our emotional well being… Throw knowledge at him. And be PERSONAL, not professional.