I have been hearing so much buzz over the past month about Will and Jada’s daughter Willow being signed to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation imprint after releasing a impressive ditty called “Whip My Hair”. I watched as the tweets were talking about how cute the song was but never took the time to listen to it. So fast forward to yesterday when again, the innanets were abuzz after the release of the video hit the airwaves. Of course I had to check it out because it was making far too much noise for me not to.
My daughter and I crowded in front of my notebook as I cued up the video. When it was done, my daughter began trying to dance like Willow and wanted to watch it again. So I obliged. Again, during the video, my daughter was whipping her mane by in forth (ponytails mind you) and rocking out like she was an extra or something. It was kinda cute.
For three hours last night, she was singing “I whip my hair back and forth”.
I am all for cute and fun entertainment for my 6 year old. There isn’t much in that type of variety for her. In terms of real role models her age, there aren’t many—Dora the Explorer and The Backyardigans get major play in my house, but they are cartoons and not readily identifiable with my daughter. Raven Symone, Kyla Pratt, and others are super cute and very respectable but they are not in her age group. Neither is Hannah Montana whose real puppet master, Miley Cyrus is not for kids (anymore) . It is hard to find girls of color that my daughter can relate to in terms of entertainment, so Willow certainly foots the bill. I would rather my daughter whip her hair back and forth than walking around trying to be Nicki Minaj.
I’ve read the sideline pundits on most of the gossip blogs say that they think Willow is being “too grown”—but after seeing the video first hand and hearing the song, the material seems quite appropriate for young listeners. Just because she says she has haters doesn’t mean she is trying to be grown—haters come in all age groups.
Willow is fully dressed in the video and is dancing a way a kid her age dances. I see nothing wrong with her material and I do not think Will and Jada are pimping their kids out for fame. Their son Jaden is an actor in his own right, and Willow is now a star as well. Will and Jada do pretty well for themselves financially, so unlike the Octomom or Kate Gosselin, they don’t have to use their kids to make a living.
I can recall a young Keisha Knight Pulliam sashaying to a very provocative Ray Charles song in the late 80’s on The Cosby Show and lip synching the lyrics about “baby, you know I love you”. I don’t remember anyone being up in arms about this–it was cute and fun. So why the uproar 20 years later about a little girl saying she is whipping her hair is beyond me.
I am just a little salty because now Willow is being repeated in my home every five minutes. The girl is cute and all but my 6 year old keeps repeating the song over and over. Thanks Willow!
LOL @ your daughter. I haven’t heard the song or seen the video. I assumed it was a kid’s song so I didn’t pay much attention to it. There should be some catchy tunes for kids by kids. Most songs out now, I would be very uneasy listening to with kids around. Kudos to Willow for staying age appropriate and creating something fun.
Kim, I think it’s a great song for the young and old! Catchy beat. And better than most of the stuff playing on the radio now. LOL
Same here, except my daughter is nine. First day the single was released I let her hear and she immediately started whip her head around just like the video.
I agree, there are not enough young pop princess of color especially for preteen and tween girls and I think Willow has stepped into that gap that Raven Symone used to fill and Keke Palmer has outgrown as well.
ConvertingME, I am glad that Willow is filling a void for young girls. Thanks for commenting!
I like the song…Very cute…Willow is so precious…Such a cute little girl…I heard this song for the first time when i was in the car with my daughter (she’s 5). Right after it went off she kept singing, “I whip my hair back and forth”…Lol…I don’t blame her…The song is catchy…For mom’s like me who monitor what their child listens to and watches, it’s refreshing that i can listen to a song with her instead of breaking my neck to turn off the radio when a inappropriate song comes on…..
I totally knew you would blog about this! And I was right! If Will Smith is done gettin’ jiggy wit it, then I’m glad Willow is jumping right now and whipping her hair
This song is actually really catchy and the music video is pretty cool, too!
Cute song and I just watched the video but she sounds kind of old to be 9. I wonder if it’s all that technology.
Cute song and I just watched the video but she sounds kind of old to be 9. I wonder if it’s all that technology.
You know with autotune and voice recording technology, anything is possible. Wonder what she sounds like live?
hi willow my name is keymira i love u and your mom and dad and jaden how old is jaden are u two close like i was saying i will like to meat u and jaden i am 11 years old i thought u was oldder then me i sing your song ever day wene i wack up and go to sleep i love your hair and clothes pees o and i will like to know if u will contact me on my phone i dont know if i can tipe in my number and will u be my bff ok bye.