Twitter is the definitive place to get your blog and website links out to the masses. But in a sea of links and massive publicity, how can you make your links stand out above the others? And how can you best utilize your links on Twitter to give you return hits/visits to your blog?
As an avid Twitter user and link tweeter, I have made plenty of errors. But I also have made strides in improving my stats when it comes to my site via links on Twitter. Here are tips that I follow when tweeting my links:
Always Tweet a Direct Link-
The worst thing you can do is something like this: “Mariah Carey has made an announcement. Go to my site, and see what she said”.
Um, like I want to go to your site and sift through all of the articles to find out which one is about Mariah. Tweet a direct link all of the time, unless its something like this: “I made some changes to my site, check it out,”. If it’s a general inquiry yes, if its an actual article, tweet the link!
Use a Link Shortener-
Okay, so Twitter gives you 140 right? (unless you are a blatant Twitlonger person, then you suck! j/k) But really, why take up your whole tweet with your link? Use a link shortener like or or something that makes your links shorter.
Save Your Tweet-
So you have a new article on your site. How many times do you tweet that same article? If you do it more than 5 times in one day, I personally think that is too much. And then it begins to look like spam. Tweet your links but don’t go overboard. Then people will start thinking you are spam.
Forget the hearts and stars and pretty stuff-
I see this all the time. New Blog Post *~*~*My new application on my iPad*~*~* ******Click now!
Um, is this art class? Save all of the pretty little symbols and get down to business. The more obnoxious your tweet is, the less likely others are going to click it. And since you are using up you 140 w/ your pretty pictures, when people RT you, its going to be too long (‘cuz who wants to edit YOUR TWEET?)
Automate Your Links
Use services like Google and Twitterfeed that push your links to your Twitter account. Don’t worry about tweeting them, they will do it for you (and shorten the link automatically)
Quick and easy and to the point. Let these tips increase your presence on Twitter and increase your visits!
Great article!!!!!
This is wonderful information Danyelle. Thank you for sharing!
Excellent, tried and true advice. I personally under utilize automated tweets, but see it’s usefulness. Does not replace interaction however!
Woohoo, glad this is something that I already do. Helpful tips!