Your deadline at work is fast approaching. The kids both have to be at different places at the same time, and you have have a few personal projects that you have been putting off because you never have time to finish them. What’s worse is the last two times you’ve had a “vacation”, you ended up spending most of the time working on your laptop and staying connected to the office with your Blackberry. When was the last time that you just let it all go?
Last year, I found myself at a crossroads. I was stressed out, worn out, burnt out, and then some. I had lost my passion for my craft and for my job and I didn’t know how to get it back. I did everything for everyone but failed to take care of myself. I had to make a decision about my future. If I was going to continue on the journey in which I started, I had to make some time for myself to work on my book, my blog, my projects.
I had to learn to say no to some things to keep my sanity.
Is it hard for you to say no? Do you often say yes to things to help others and then find that you cannot help yourself? I was there. It came a time that I had to say enough is enough. In order to succeed, I had to concentrate on me and starting what I finish.
I now do things in moderation. I don’t say yes a lot anymore—that is because I don’t want to find myself being overwhelmed again. I am about my brand and my blog first and foremost and then everything that I am involved in has to follow in line.
As women, we have the world on our shoulders. We tend to lead and follow without giving a thought about what that means in the long run. It usually means that we don’t have time for self but it doesn’t have to be like that.
Commit yourself to things that are in your plan and in your realm. If it doesn’t fit, don’t do them. And always leave time for yourself to be alone and enjoy time with YOU. When on vacation, enjoy it! Do not spend it working or even thinking about work. And last but not least, do not invite people in your life who do not understand that even though you are Superwoman and you can leap tall buildings in a single bound, does not mean that you have to do on a daily basis. Why make life any harder than it has to be?
Can you just let it all go? For at least a moment, enjoy life without a To-Do list, a schedule, email, or the workplace calling? These are the times. Enjoy your life. And get out of it what you put in.
shessavvy says
I can totally relate to this post. Over the past few weeks, I've been feeling like it's time for me to decide what is really important to me. I've been trying to do some soul searching and decide which groups/organizations I'm going to become less active with and seriously thinking about if my current job is really where I want to be. As women, we get completely wrapped up in our daily lives we forget to take time to nurture what is most important to us. I haven't had a day to do absolutely nothing in literally 5 years and I know that's not healthy. I really need a day to do nothing, no answering phone calls or responding to emails if for nothing else but to maintain my sanity. Time to relax, relate, release!
Dannigyrl says
Absolutely. I know I have been so involved in so many different things that my passions started to falter. I think we should regroup and focus on the thing that are most important to us. Everything else will work itself out. Thanks for reading!
dareesinsights says
I find myself getting overwhelmed sometimes, and when I recognize it, I have to stop and refocus on what is important. Everything that seems to be "urgent" is not necessarily important. Redefining our values, goals, and status periodically, while making private time for God and ourselves (with no kids or significant others) can go a long way to helping us get back in balance.
Dannigyrl says
I love how you put that! Balance is key. Thanks for reading.
glamzini says
I can not tell it all.
I've gone through cycles in my life where I get way too loaded up with "stuff" then I say "to hell with it" and chuck everything in the trash and start over. In the past that "everything" included graduate degrees (yes plural), houses, jobs etc. Yes, I was serious about the start over.
Alas, now I'm married and more 'settled' and can't "chuck" as easily as my more spry younger years. I have recently found myself unpacking (my nice mature way of saying planned chucking) for the past few years… in a more strategic manner so to speak. Even then I've found God had to dang near chop me in both knees and ankles to get me to SAT DOWN SOMEWHERE!!! LOL.
Anyhoo, the moral of the story is I'm a work in progress. The End. 🙂
Dannigyrl says
Very nicely put— we are all works in progress. If you arent evolving, then what a boring life one must lead!
DojtaDivah says
Right. On. Time. I am quickly spreading myself so thin that I'm transparent. Its almost like I'm afraid to stop moving for fear that I'll shatter under the weight. Then I stop and pray. I have committed my life to service as God has led me, and I can do all things though Him who strengthens me. Daree is right that balance is key. I am sure that God wants me to work hard, but not to put myself (back) in the hospital. So when it gets to be to much, I just don't work for a day or two. I take time alone to get a pedi, have a nice lunch, veg out on the couch watching Say Yes to the Dress. LOL This time to recharge helps immensely. You have to listen to your body and your soul and know when you need a break – then take it.
Dannigyrl says
I love it! Prayer and believing is certainly a component to living a stress free lifestyle. I need to work on praying more.