Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a book that has given me a lot of insight over the years. It has helped me tremendously in my work as well as my personal life. If you haven’t read it, I recommend that you go online now and order it from Amazon. During one of the habits, Covey encourages you to write a personal mission statement to help you stay true to your overall goals through an exercise.
I suggest that everyone who is goal oriented create a personal mission statement. I first wrote mine in 2005 and typed it out and taped it on my computer monitor at work and home. So each time I worked, I saw it. When I lost my way, reading it would put everything back where it belonged. My goals should equal the way I live my life, and having a marker in place helped guide me.
My personal mission statement has changed over the years. I am no longer in Human Resources and I now put my passion behind my blog and my writing, but goal remains the same—to become independently successful on my own terms through my talent and resources.
My first personal mission statement:
To promote positivity in the workplace and at home by remaining true to employees, family, friends, complete tasks without procrastination, and to put my best foot forward during every challenge brought forth.
What are your personal goals and how do they fit in with your personal mission statement? Do you have support with your goals? Give me some feedback below, please.
If you are interested in creating your own personal mission statement, or want to read some samples others have written, click HERE.
I purchased 7 Habits last night. Thanks for this post. I need to redefine my goals and create a mission statement.
I listened to the audio CD series last week, and have The 8th Habit that I'm listening to now. It's timeless.
I haven't gotten into the 8th habit yet. I need to go to the bookstore and check it out.