Written By: TaniJoy, TheCubicleChick.com
Today I was listening to Sky High w/ Portia on Beehive FM and they began to discuss what Christians allow their children to watch on television. I decided to bring this topic to The Cubicle Chick, but I want to flip it just a little bit. I am not a parent, but I have little cousins as well as Godchildren that I get to interact with often. It shocks me to see the things that their parents allow them to watch on TV. Not only that, I am shocked to see the amount of TV time that these children have on a daily basis.
According to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) ,” kids under 2 years old should not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming.”
“The first 2 years of life are considered a critical time for brain development. TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development.”
I totally agree with that suggestion. Kids are like sponges and they absorb everything that they see and hear. I’ve experienced young kids cursing and making sexual gestures that they have either heard from others or from watching the boob tube. I’ve asked a 6 year old child what he wanted to watch on television and his response was, “Bad Boys”. Wow, why is a movie filled with violence, profanity, and nudity the favorite of a 6 year old? Because we are not monitoring what they are watching.
While reading Kids Health, I ran across these reasons why TV watching can be detrimental to a childs life.
- Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.
- Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.
- TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes
If you have to think twice about what your child is watching, then they should not be watching it. There are many TV stations that you may not think your child may like, but they could be very helpful in your child learning new things and developing many skills in which they could use in life. Some stations are HGTV, TLC, Discovery Health, and Nick Jr. I encourage the parents out there to limit the time their children watch TV, encourage their kids to read books, and make sure their children lead an active lifestyle. Are you willing to take the challenge?
I wonder if that study is based entirely on the subject matter being watched by the child. My 2, almost 3, year old at times can spend over that 1 to 2 hour limit just watching Nick Jr. (Sometimes we just need the time to ourselves.) However, my wife and I consciously filter what he watches. Granted, Transformers is his favorite movie, and he just can't get enough Bumble Bee.
What I would caution is not to just dismiss the fun and interactive learning opportunities Nick Jr. and PBS kids present. In addition to that, they both offer additional computer based learning games which my 2 year old is doing. (It shocked both of us how quickly a 2 year old can learn to use a computer!)
I would just say learn to use it as just another tool in the box of parenting.
I think television is okay for children in moderation. My 6 year old only watches Nick Jr., Boomerang, and other youth friendly stations and I do not let her watch any movie higher than PG13. I think watching television with your children is also a great thing. Intercting with them while they learn is most important.
I don't know how the Obama's keep their kids limited to tv on the weekends. I'm too exhausted to stay engaged all day every day. The tv (Nick Jr. and PBS) is my nanny/help!
I am sure there is plenty to do in the White House! Sasha and Malia probably don't mind not watching TV. 🙂