Wow! Can you believe its been almost eight months since TCC was created? How time flies! I wanted to take the time out to thank each and every one of you who read, subscribe, comment, and tweet all that is TCC. It’s been both an honor and a pleasure to write for you, share my hopes and dreams, and bring you information.
The blog has grown so much, and I want to announce a few changes. I have brought on three new TCC contributors to blog about pop culture, health and beauty, and other material that my Cubicle Chicks and Dudes will love. You have already seen one of my new writers, Kween, who posted about personal growth and teaching. Other writers will be introduced soon! I hope the new additions will bring a new dynamic to!
I still have a blog redesign in the works that hopefully will be up and running before month’s end. I thank you for sticking with me through the current, darker template. The next design is lighter and more reader friendly!
If you have any suggestions on how I can improve the TCC community, please let me know. Thanks again for all the love you’ve shown. I give it back to you wholeheartedly!

Love this app!
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