Last night while working on my laptop, my sixteen year old son and my six year old daughter were watching television together. My son turned to one of the video channels and on it was Rihanna singing her current hit, ‘Rude Boy’. My daughter jumps up and starts singing the lyrics: “take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it, love me, love me.”
I ran from the dining room into the living room and turned the channel. I then scolded her for singing those lyrics. Anyone who knows the song knows that Rihanna is speaking about sex, referring to him “getting it up”, and that is inappropriate for any six year old to sing. My son also got it for even letting the song play, knowing that the lyrics are not for young ears.
I like the Rihanna song, and in the comfort of my car when my daughter is not around, I listen to it. I’m grown, it’s a cute song. But for a child to sing it is ridiculuous, not cute by any means. I know there are some parents who let their children sing and dance seductively, but I am not the one. My daughter had no idea what Rihanna was even saying, she just liked the song. The fact that she even knew the words since I do not let her listen to it was even more disturbing, so I am guessing she either learned it from a classmate at school or from my son.
We as parents are responsible for monitoring our children’s entertainment. I am not one of those, “this song or movie should be banned” type of folk because this is a free country and people can make their own informed decisions about what they like and don’t like. But I am in charge of what goes on in THIS house, and Rihanna’s ‘Rude Boy’ is not something I want my six year old listening to.
What are your thoughts on this issue? Have you ever had a similar situation? I am interested in reading your responses.
I think it is great that you did that! I do not have kids yet but my mom raised me the same way. I remember all the kids were seeing an R rated movie. We were maybe in the 2nd grade. My mom put her foot down and said there was no way she'd allow me to watch it just because everyone else in my class had seen it. I was upset but now as a woman today I am glad she did her best to keep me an innocent child during my childhood. Kids grow up too fast today. I will do the same with my kids too!
I feel ya TCC. I don't have any children but I do have seven nieces and two nephews so I feel ya and now a great niece and another on the way. I remember when one of my nieces was about 3 or so and Boomerang was out with Eddie Murphy. Of course, when we watch tv we like to think that little children are paying no attention. We one day I kept hearing my niece mumbling something. What was she saying? "Don't get p—- whipped, whip that p—-." Girl I was like heck to the naw. After that she only watched kids shows and nothing adult nature. As a result, you can tell the difference between her and some of my other nieces. I feel ya and I will do the same with my kids.
I agree with you TCC. As a young woman who listens to Rihanna's music, I do like this song, but when it come to my little cousins who are 9, 8 and 5, I would have done the same exact thing. Sometimes we tend to think that little kids singing these songs and dancing to them as cute, even as young as 2 or 3 years old, but the more that we encourage it, the more that it could get out of hand really fast. Good post, and I will be sure to do that with my future children too
I am laughing so hard right now… The visual of you running to turn the channel reminds me so much of me. Up until recently my daughter was not allowed to watch or listen to certain things. Now that she's a little older (14), if I tell her it's about sex, she groans "ewwww" and switches the station. LOL… great post
LOL. It is kinda funny now that I look back on it but at the time, I was not a happy camper. Hopfeully, this will be the last of those kinds of blog posts! Thanks for commenting!
I've become a little less discriminating with what I play since my children came home 2yrs ago singing songs that I knew good and well I've never played around them. It seems like they are going to hear it anyway but more often then not I've got my earphones on. Rihanna isn't even on my play list but I had the same issue recently. Good to know I am not the only one. Nothing was playing and my 6yo was walking around singing it. I don't remember what I said but now my older children run and turn the radio or TV if that song comes on. Now to tackle Gaga.