While watching the boob tube the other day, a KFC commercial came on for their new breadless chicken sandwich called the Double Down. The sandwich consists of two slices of chicken with bacon and cheese in between. Calorie count for the original recipe version? 540. For the grilled? 460. Not too bad but not too good either and it doesn’t look too appetizing in my opinion. In fact, it looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. Here is the commercial:
KFC continuously does itself disservice by offering unhealthy and unflattering foods on their menu. In a society that is on a quest to be healthy, KFC seems to want to re-invent unique ways to digest their chicken, either hit or miss.
What do you think of KFC’s Double Down sandwich? Have you had one of would you purchase one? Is KFC being irresponsible when it comes their menu?
I did a write up on this as well. I went and tried one on Day One, and while it was okay…it's not something I'd recommend for daily eating. The calories and fat are lower than some of the other sandwiches in the fast food market, but the sodium is outta control.
I think KFC is being as responsible as they can, while still trying to turn a profit. They put the nutrition facts out for the public to see, but I'm willing to bet that they're hoping the public doesn't pay too much attention to them.
I applaud you for being able to eat one of those things. They look like they would give you an instant heart attack!
Everyone is quick to criticize it and mention something like "it looks like a heart attack waiting to happen!" (nothing personal against you, Dannigirl) but fail to do any comparative nutritional analysis. It's very similar to a Big Mac in both calories and fat, and even some of McDonald's and Burger King's bigger burgers dwarf the Double Down. If you normally eat a two or three piece chicken meal at KFC, then you've already entered Double Down territory.
I personally tried it on video:http://www.scottrobertsweb.com/My-Encounter-with-…
You may have a point Scott. Let me check out your video.