I haven’t blogged about the whole Tiger Woods saga because really, there is nothing much left to say that hasn’t been written. I don’t want to continue to discuss something that has been run into the ground. But I hear a lot of women saying what they think Elin should do and I find it difficult to try to step into the shoes of a woman who is going through so much.
It is easy for us on the outside looking in saying what we would do if we were in her situation, but its easier said than done.
Elin is first of all a mother of two children. And she is also a wife, a wife of an uber famous man who has been caught with his pants down. She could play he whole stand by your man thing that so many others in the past have done and learn to forgive. Or she could pick up the pieces and leave and embark on a life on her own without her husband.
If you were Elin, what would you do?
What would I do? It is hard to say at this point. I know I wouldn’t make any quick or rash decisions since it would greatly impact the children. I would definitely have to have time to myself in order to process everything. I can’t say if I would stay or not, but in order for me to continue in the marriage, I would need him to be truthful about the affairs. Counseling, separately and together, would also be in order. Simply put, I just wouldn’t give up. But it would take a lot for me to forgive. Tiger would have to do a lot in order to repair our relationship.
But I am not Elin and neither are any of us. Only she can make the decision that is best for her and her children. I wish her the best.
In light of the recent press conference and Tiger new events, what do you think Elin should do? Should she go? Should she stay? Sound off here!
I would stay with him and work it out for the kids..then when they’re 18 its a wrap..Take my portion and roll out.. Now as of now Elin should do her own press conference..Letting everyone know to stay out of her bizness.. Its between her and her husband.. Jus tired of the media perpetuating negativity by providing a platform for these whores that sleep with married men intentionally then have the nerve to play victim?? What is up with us women?? Why are we allowing or participating in these types of relationships.. What is this world coming too. For me I’m over it. We need to be on to the next one.. Leave Tiger and Elin alone!-Its no longer interesting..
I always tell my friends, I don't care about Tiger – I have problems of my own, LOL. I think this entire debacle is proof that people need to pick their "heroes" with more discretion. Tiger, to me, is no diff from any other high paid, high profile athlete who had that air of entitlement…and it's the MEDIA who is making this a big deal. This is a marital issue – not a public issue – at least to me.
…but to answer your question, I think in this day of HIV and AIDS, what Tiger did was reprehensible – and if I were in Elin's shoes, I just couldn't trust him again. As a father – I wouldn't stop him from being close to his children- but as a wife? No, I would never be able to get the picture of all those women out of my head that he slept with…then possibly infected me with some disease. And I agree with Qtweets about this sad sack crap from these porn stars … they knew who he was, knew he was married – they are just as wrong as Tiger is, and I'm tired of them being protrayed as innocent victims.
I think its easy for us to say what we would or wouldn't do if faced in that situation but the reality is we don't really know unless we live it. IDK I think she should leave. I honestly think she knew that he had been unfaithful but probably had no clue that it had elevated to that many women. I'm a firm believer that there are ALWAYS signs when a relationship is going sour, whether we chose to acknowledge those signs or ignore them is another story. I understand ppl staying together for the sake of their children but if you can't trust your spouse what's the point? What are you teaching your kids?