Of course this is not a gossip blog but when there is an entertainment news story that hits home, I cannot and will not ignore it. The Twitternets were abuzz with the John Mayer fiasco yesterday. I really didn’t pay it any attention until I saw that it hit the mainstream news last night on Showbiz Tonight, which I watch religiously each evening before bed. John exposed his usual diarrhea of the mouth tendencies and and made inflammatory remarks about Jessica Simpson and dating black women.
According to TechBanyan.com, Mayer said the following in regards to Black women:
“I don’t think I open myself to it. My d*ck is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fu*kin’ David Duke c*ck. I’m going to start dating separately from my d*ck. …I always thought Holly Robinson Peete was gorgeous. Every white dude loved Hilary from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And Kerry Washington. She’s super hot and she’s also white-girl crazy. Kerry Washington would break your heart like a white girl. Just all of a sudden she’d be like, ‘Yeah, I sucked his d*ck. Whatever.’”
Oh, and did I mention he also used the N word?
Okay, John, whatever. Let this be on record. I am a huge John Mayer fan when it comes to his music. His guitar playing is sweet seduction to my ears. But his personality leaves much to be desired. I can separate an artist from their personalities or lack thereof. I also don’t take too much personal these days because I have developed a thick skin when it comes to being lumped into one category. But I am repulsed by what John said. He has a right to his opinion and to his preferences. But the way this came out was all kinds of wrong. And I will hold him accountable.
About Jessica Simpson, poyttmouth Mayer said that she was “like napalm. Sexual napalm”. He referred to Jennifer Anniston as a good girl, but one who lived for her fame of the past, as she was stuck in 1998 being a star on Friends. Low blow, John. I guess Jennifer is the girl you love and Jessica is the girl you lust. And Kerry Washington….
Well, draw your own conclusions.
Oh and by the way, John issued this apology about his interview indiscretions Per Twitter:
“It started as an attempt to not let the waves of criticism get to me, but it’s gotten out of hand and I’ve created somewhat of a monster,” Mayer tweeted. “I wanted to be a blues guitar player. And a singer. And a songwriter. Not a shock jock. I don’t have the stomach for it.”
What do you think about John Mayer’s statements and his apology? Did he go overboard? Is he becoming the Kanye West of rock-in-roll? Comment and let your opinion be heard.
John Mayer is an asshole just like I previously blogged yesterday. I think the one person that should be pissed is Kerry Washington. Not very nice assumption from Body is a Wonderland guy. I don't like the N-Word as you see I refer to it as the "N-Word" and I'm black. That's such a nasty word.
Agreed. I do not use the N word either. I detest that word. I wonder what backlash will result from this. He has worked with a lot of hip-hop folk.
He is so lame & I thought he was a douche before reading this crap that came outta his maw. Omg smh.
I too WAS a fan of the music…But his interview absolutely repulsed me. I cant see past his artistry and his personal. The masturbation confession and then to throw Kerry Washington out there like that…He is lucky lm not Ms Washington boyfriend or Father or brother or cousin..because Mr Mayer would have a serious tanning coming to him. He owes her a public apology regardless…Because trust me had he made that reference to oral sex about Jennifer and Jessica -John would be under the wrath of every Friends fan or Simspon follower…Micheal Richards and Don Imus you have a new member to your club
Whoa! I saw the headlines but didn't really pay attention. Just another famous person with verbal diarrhea. But this is SO much worse than I could ever imagine! I have zero respect for this guy and I do not think his apology is sincere
I enjoy his music. But after reading his recent statements, I find it hard to understand how someone who can write such beautiful lyrics can be such a jerk. And regarding his so-called apology. I didn't see where he said he was sorry for using the N-word or for the insults to Kerry Washington.
Never been a big fan of John Mayer.. both his personal life and music.. went to his concert earlier this year (friend made me), and dunno why everyone likes him so much. People need to stop giving attention to fakes like him and more attention to quality bands that actually produce good music (but don’t have the sexy image)