Why is the Library so underrated these days? When I was coming up, I would spend hours and hours in my neighborhood library reading books, meeting new friends, and participating in the art classes and story time which was always readily available.
These days it’s a little different. My son prefers going to Borders and hanging out than going to the library. Which is okay. But being able to read books for free in a wonderful fact filled area is in my opinion, better. So when my daughter asked what we were going to do yesterday, I knew the perfect place to spend the afternoon.
The library!

At five years of age, I thought it was a perfect time to get my daughter her very own library card. It’s important for me to know that she is being exposed to much educational fun as possible. Having her own library card gives her her very own tool to open her mind through reading.

I vowed to spend more time at the library myself. There was a time that I stayed in the library checking out books and audio books to enjoy. My daughter loved the experience, so I am sure we will be spending more time in her new favorite place.

What a wonderful gift to give to your children. And it’s completely free!

Special thanks to the St. Louis County Public Library’s Thornhill Branch for giving us a wonderful tour!

I think its so important to expose our kids to the library! I used to love going when I was a kid, and I try to take my son at least twice a month. I remember my mom taking me when I was a kid, and I'm hoping my son will remember our trips as well! Have a great Sunday!
Yay for library love!
I'm proud to say I am a librarian. We love getting positive feedback!
So sweet. I agree we dont spend much time at the library anymore. Maybe one of the things I do more of in 2010. Mmmm.
I love the library for a lot of reasons, but I see the benefits of going to places like Borders or Barnes & Noble, too.
The library, obviously, has books, DVDs, magazines, etc. to check out for free, and it is (or can/should be) a quiet place to do research, study, work, or just relax and read. Borders and other stores are louder, but they almost always have a cafe where customers can get a drink and/or a snack to have while they study, work, or socialize (or all three at once).
And, of course, if you're like me and forget to return those library items, in the long run it's often cheaper to just buy books from a store or website like Amazon.
we love our library (slcl branch cliff cave) they not only have books, but also new release movies, other dvds, cds, books on cd, and even video games for wii, ps3 and xbox-we average 20 books and 5 media (movies and games) a week, and i love the book sale table in the front of the library-its a great way for me to stock up on back issues of gourmet magazine and wine spectator for .25 a piece! and kids books as well-and the ladies that work our branch are helpful and nice and always remember us… we love the library!
Absolutely! Thank you for coming to the blog and commenting!
We love the library (we go to the Cliff Cave branch the most often but also visit Tesson Ferry and Weber Road as well as Headquarters) and we go almost weekly. My kids used to refer to the Barnes and Noble and Borders stores as libraries as well when they were younger
I haven't been to the Headquarters in years off of Lindbergh. I think we will go there next!