Very long story, I will shorten it because I am sure you all don’t want to read a whole book. Basically on Tuesday morning, I woke up to take my son to school. We went through our usual routine and route. As I turned onto the Page Extension, a busy thoroughfare here in St. Louis, my car just went kaput. No power at all. My car stopped on the busy highway. No lights. No heat. Nothing. It just stopped. I couldn’t turn on my hazard lights so everyone was honking their horns at me, it was crazy.
And it wasn’t bad enough that I was in the middle of rush hour traffic, but it was snowing as well.
Finally, a man seeing us in peril helped my son push my Jeep Grand Cherokee out of the way onto the shoulder so that we were out of the way. It took another thirty minutes for the tow truck to come and eventually I got back home and my son got to school.
It ended up being the serpentine belt and something else. I am not good with cars so I can’t remember all of the particulars. Total bill? $340.00.
I got my car back later that day.
After being without my Blackberry, which died a sudden death on Monday, a friend of mine went to my Facebook account and saw that I had gotten stuck on the freeway. He then tells me: “You were the car they were talking about on Fox 2 Morning News…!”
Of course I was embarrassed. LOL.
But whatevs. I got my car back which is the most important thing and the repairs wasn’t as bad as they could’ve been.
Another one of those interesting stories to add to my life’s tales. I am glad this one had a happy ending!
I am glad you all were okay too. I know it was a scare. Still LOL! @ you on the news.
Wow your first your phone now this it sure aint your week. At least you got a mention on the news that has to be something right LOL. I can just imagine how red you went when you heard it got a mention, i know i would have been mortified LOL
All that matters is that you are here to tell us about it & to be able to laugh at making the news xx
It was so embarrassing having everyone honk at me and whatnot but all is well now, thank God!
For a car that had no power, nothing a $340 bill isn't too bad! I'm glad it wasn't worse than that!
You are not having a lucky week! I hope Wednesday and today have been better
Yes, Wed. and Thurs. have been great! I am hoping there are no more unfortunate incidents.
Glad they were able to push it out of the way and you were ok! I wonder if my brother saw you on the highway….he lives in St. Louis!
oh no! I would have been so embarrased! So glad you're ok! I hope you have a better week next week!
lol I would be so embarrassed! Glad to hear you and your son are okay though. Car repair bills are always a bummer =