…ad in order to put her ex boyfriend on blast (the billboards can be seen in New York, San Francisco, and Atlanta). YaVaughnie Wilkins did just that, to get back at Charles Phillips, with a photo of the two of them together looking like they are in love. The only problem is- he is a married man. And she was a mistress.
Apparently Charles was having his cake and eating it too. As co-president of Oracle, a leading software firm, and a board member of President Obama’s economic recovery team, he seems like he has it altogether. On paper that is. Charles has a wife, according to sources, and has been having an affair with Ya’Vaughnie for what some say is eight years or more.
If his relationship with Ya’Vaughnie was a secret, now it’s not. And Charles joins a long list of player husbands such as Tiger Woods and John Edwards, who recently admitted to fathering a child while his wife was suffering from terminal cancer and running for the highest office in the land.
What do you think? Was YaVaughnie justified in purchasing a billboard calling out her ex lover, cheater Charles Phillips? Or did YaVaughnie go too far? Comment below and let me know your thoughts.
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I have mix feelings on this, I meant, shame on her for evening touching a married man, but SHAME ON HIM for letting it happen and more power to her for calling him out. I don’t know. Its all so distasteful and rubs me the wrong way.
Absolutely. I mean, she could've found a way to do it without being so over-the-top with it. But I understand she had a point to make and felt this was the best way to get it across. A cheater almost always gets caught!
She made a choice to mess with a married man. That was her choice. I am not playing him down. He is just as responsible. But it is just that. They are equally responsible. What if he went and put a billboard up about how she is a home-wrecker?
I completely think that the billboards are distasteful. It is not like everyone don't know. The price of the billboards could have went to a college fund for the child. Or even donated to a charity if she wanted to waste it.
I agree it's a waste of money to purchase billboards to call out an ex lover, but being an attention whore will probably allow her 15 minutes of fame in which to profit.
This is sad on so many levels.
Agreed. Waste of money, space, time…..I could go on and on.
She would have been better off to just sell her story to the taboids. The billboard should have been something the wife put up, charged to the husband's account, before the divorce.
i think she went a little to far.. a complete waste of money..