Thanks to my Tweet Buddy, @tkharmonic, I have decided to blog about my thoughts, feelings, and journey regarding the possibility of me blogging full-time each week. She advised (and rightly so) that it may be interesting for me to share my quest since there are others out there possibly thinking of blogging as a full-time endeavor as well. So each week, I will post a new entry in what I call Blogging Notebook 101, an online diary within my site here at TCC.
This week, I want to explore my brand. When starting a blog, you have to have a topic or theme or some sort of direction in which you want to go in order to establish yourself, and by creating a well documented and developed brand, it can help expand your blog and create opportunities for growth, sponsorships, advertisers, interviews, etc. So what is my brand?
When I began TCC fully in October, my mind was everywhere. I wanted to blog about any and everything. And when you get down to it, that is sort of like my personality. I am a jack of all trades, a master of none. I’m so many different hybrids that sometimes I even confuse myself. As I blog more and more, I have tailored by direction and focus on one simple thing: my personality.
In my ABOUT ME section, I muse that I am every woman. And I am. I can identify with most women out there. I’m a mom, I work, I shop, I love fashion and make-up and music, I’m a fierce foodie. I’m into politics and what’s going on in the world. Try to put me in one category and you fail. But if I spread myself out too much, then I fail too. For my brand, I have to be clear and consistent so that the public gets to know me without confusion.
What is my brand? I’m still fine tuning it everyday, but the foundation is simple: I’m a thirtysomething year old fabulous mother of two who loves life and lives life one day at a time. I want that to be clear. I am not a know it all. I am not an elitist or a snob. I’m not above correction or approach. I am your everyday chick. Simply put.
I’ve been put in the category of Mommy Bloggers and I don’t mind that. Mommy Bloggers are the business. Smart, savvy, instinctual, and very popular on the web right now. But I want to transcend that title. I want to blog about my life which, coincidentally, is not just about me playing the mom role. I travel, I flirt. I love to try new things and I’m addicted to Sephora and urban wear. I’m not a fashion blogger or a beauty blogger or a mommy blogger or a travel blogger. Really, I am all that AND MORE!
I get asked all the time what a Cubicle Chick is. And I simply say, she is me. She is a hard worker who juggles work and home and family. She knows her business and what makes it work, she knows what she wants out of life. The “cubicle” is the world around her in which she lives in, it transcends an office with a view. A Cubicle Chick is a woman who is on the grind and about making a difference.
So again, what is my brand?
Is it clear? How can I improve? What can I do to reflect my brand in my blog so that others instantly know my trademark? These are questions that I ask to my readers, most of whom are also bloggers of some sort.
The forum is open and I await your responses.
What a great post! I found this definition on Wiki and think it works for you:
A polymath (Greek polymathēs, πολυμαθής, "having learned much")[ 1] is a person, with superior intelligence, whose expertise spans a significant number of subject areas.
I appreciate being able to ride along on your journey!
Polymath? Interesting. I guess that does describe me. You learn something new everyday! Thank you again for the suggestion for the blog
You are a superwoman, a Goddess, a queen, a role model (you've learned from your mistakes), an open book, you are YOU. I really think you have this brand thing down, I love your description. You are the Queen of all trades and some "mothers" need to read from your handbook. lol You know i'm your biggest supporter so I say yeahhh to you blogging full time. There will be a few bumps but i'm sure you can handle them. I'm trying to get there too. Maybe we can try at it together. Luv Ya.
I came to your blog by way of a retweet and I'm glad I did. What I gleaned from this post (and ultimately your brand) is that you appeal to a very significant audience: young single women who may or may not be mothers themselves. It works, there's a market, and certainly a built following. I'm intrigued and impressed by what you've accomplished. It has helped me to consider my blog as a brand and not simply a journal for my thoughts. Thanks, girly!
Wow, thanks for the love and I am glad you came by and visited. Blogging has been very rewarding for me professionally and personally. I enjoy writing and I advise you to follow your dreams!
I know I am 2 years late, but I am liking your blog!