Let me start off by saying a great big THANK YOU to all the wonderful Cubicle Chicks and Dudes who have visited TheCubicleChick.com on the daily. It has almost been a month since I began this niche blog and so far, the response has been overwhelming. Writing has always been my passion. When I started my personal blog a year ago, I told my readers that I was not a blogger who wrote- I was a writer who blogged. On that site, I share a lot of personal information about my past mistakes, trials and tribulations. On TCC, I am able to focus on my present lifestyle being a mother of two while working as a manager in an office and a somewhat socialite at night. The Cubicle Chick has become my new outlet, and it’s because of many of YOU that I strive for excellence as I grow this site.
When I first started thinking about starting a niche blog which included both beauty and fashion, I researched other blogs. I didn’t want to copy or duplicate what was already out there. Being redundant is not my style. And while I know there are millions of blogs out there, we are bound to cross on many of the same topics, but I will always try to give it a fresh approach. I also noticed that there are some bloggers in the webosphere, old timers who have been blogging for some time that frown upon us newbies. And that is okay. Just like with any endeavor or job, you have to earn your stripes and gain senority. But I also feel that this attitude is not needed amongst us. There is room for everyone to shine and to grow. One set group of people do not hold a patent on blogging. Why can’t some people take others under their wings and share their experience and knowledge with others? Is it that they are afraid that their “spot” will get taken? I believe that thinking like that is childish and immature so to those who look at me and others in the game as newbies who don’t deserve to be in your presence, paranoia breeds nothing but negativity. I keep it positive.
To my fellow blog sisters (and fellas) who have showed me the ropes and always have an ear to lend, I say a very heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you:
@ladebelle (and Baby Belle)
You are appreciated. If I could do one forth of what you have done for me to another blogger coming up in the ranks, I would feel that I have given back.
What we need is unity on the blogging front, especially amongst beauty bloggers. We need to build one another up and not tear one another down. I’ve seen this also happen between bloggers in the entertainment gossip realm and it’s sad to see. We are all adults, all talented individuals trying to get our grind on. There is room for everybody. And if you don’t agree, well then maybe YOU should leave the room.
On that note, I bid you adieu. I have to finish packing for my trip to D.C. and to NYC. Twitpic ya when I get there!
P.S.- Also shots out to @katjrobertson for the luscious logo she made for TCC and to @AlexisTai (Blue Orchid PR) who is the best publicist ever!
Awe You Rock yourself I love The Cubicle Chick.
Thats what we need for this to continue to be a sustainable and expanding industry there has to be collaboration and individuals willing to share knowledge and resources to help one another! Helping others is helping yourself!
Hi Stopping by from BlogeHerColor to show you some love.
Great article this is exactly why BHC exist to .show unity help one another out.
Wheni first started my blog 6 months ago I felt the same way as you and felt no connect other than I liked what i wrote. As my blog grew and I realized other people like it to it motivated me even more but I still didn't have that community connection. So i'm oping now with a community geared towards us I'll see more of the support I was looking for.
The mentality behind the blog and the demeanor of the blogger is what sets apart the girls from the women when it comes to blogging, especially among moms who blog. I've been blogging for a good many years, but only just started 'socializing' around the blogging community this past summer. You're right – when you're "new" on the scene, it can seem as though you don't get a whole lot of respect, but to me that is just a sign of intimidation so accept it as flattery and move on, knowing that you must have it going on
I, for one, welcome new bloggers and am always willing to help in any way possible so if you ever have any techie questions, feel free to ask me. Chances are, I know the answer. I'm the neighborhood geek
LOL … and as a SAHM, I'm always around! haha Good luck with your new blog, and all your other endeavors!
Thanks for being a shoulder to lean on. I appreciate your willingness to help and I just may take you up on your offer! *smile*
Don't pay attention to the negativity. Let it spur you on to greater things.
Visiting via Blogs Her Color. Enjoy the weekend.
Thank you for your comment and your positivity. I am a member of Blogs Her Color and I saw that you are the spotlighted blog this week. Good for you and wonderful blog BTW.
I, oh, so well have felt those other bloggers turn their nose up at me. Just because I am "new" I guess it is just like being the new kids at school. There are a certain few that help no matter what. They are awesome and help build your network. I don't know where my blog would be with out them. And you, you are so easy to talk to. I appreciate our friendship that we have formed.
I love your blog, the way you write, and the tone you take. You are a positive force. lf you ever need anything from me know that you can lean on me.
I agree.I remember stating my opinion/mini rant on Twitter about how other bloggers that have been around for sometime now don’t really show love to other bloggers. Especially if there was comment left on their blog. I stopped commenting on those blogs because it annoyed me. I check them out from time to time, but that’s about it. And, it wasn’t like these sites were receiving an overwhelming amount of comments where they couldn’t respond back or leave a comment on my blog. I’m not going to deny the fact that I like receiving comments. It’s one way to see what my readers like/enjoy or dislike. Although it’ll be 2yrs since I’ve been blogging, everything is still fresh. I’m not where I want to be…ok ok, off topic.
Ashley, Believe it or not (or maybe you can see the date, LOL) I wrote that post about a month into me blogging on TCC. I was finding that within the blogging community, especially women, were catty and rude to one another. Instead of helping one another, it was a feast or famine type of attitude. I still see this today and it really upsets me, but I just continue doing me and moving on.