During my elementary and junior high school years, there were three series of books that I read with reckless abandon: ‘The Babysitter’s Club’, ‘The Canaby Hall Girls’, and ‘Sweet Valley High’. This was of course years before the Harry Potter and Twilight books hit the masses. These books were quick and fun reading and I particularly liked Sweet Valley High’s twins Jessica and Elizabeth.
Francine Pascal, the creator of the series, is returning with a book about the Sweet Valley High crew with ‘Sweet Valley High Ten Years Later: Confidential’. It takes place ten years after the book series ended. And is sure to be a instant best seller with the same crowd of us that used to read the books.
The new book will be in stores next March, and as a teaser to its die-hard fans, you can receive a sneak preview of the book via the first chapter of the book. I read the first chapter and I will have you know that the Elizabeth and Jessica we came to love are now two totally different people who aren’t close anymore.
Could this be a case of the good twin versus the bad twin?
I am very excited that my childhood is coming back to me in the form of a steamy book—only thing is we have to wait until next year to read. Womp womp!
To get your glimpse of the first chapter, or to receive email alerts regarding the publication of the new Sweet Valley High Ten Years Later, click HERE. And if you want to read more about the news surrounding the Wakefield twins returning to print, click HERE.
Will you be reading the new Sweet Valley High? Did you read the books when you were younger?
Editor’s Note 3/16/11- Sweet Valley Confidential Ten Years Later hits bookstores on 3/29/11. You can pre-order your copy now.
I loved reading ‘The Babysitter’s Club’, and ‘Sweet Valley High’ growing up. My local library would have a summer reading program where you could check out I think 10 books for the whole summer. I think I used to own some as well. Will I be reading the new book, I am not sure but I do miss those books.
Babysitter’s Club was another one of my favorites as well. Those were the days…
It makes me feel like a weirdo, but I’m so stoked for this series. I LOVED Sweet Valley High (despite the same 10 pages of recycled exposition in each book about Elizabeth’s damn mole on her shoulder). The new series will look great next to my Star Wars novels.